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Private School Recommendation Form

Private School Intake Form.pdf (PDF)

Halloween 2019
Are you applying to a Private High School next year?

Please read the directions carefully on the application packets you receive or download before submitting to DMS

  • Have your student fill out a Private School Recommendation Form and give to an Assistant Principal 
  • Download the Application and Student Records Release Form from the private school you anticipate attending. Follow the directions given to you by the school.  
  • Completed all the necessary areas. 
  • Submit the completed Student Records Release Form to Ms. Loy in the Main Office a week in advance.
  • The Student Record Release form must be signed by the parent. If the form is incomplete it will be returned to the student.
  • Include an addressed stamped envelope to the school, Ms. Loy will mail the Student Record Release form and transcripts in the postage paid envelope you provide. If no envelope is provided the Student Records Release form will be returned to the student.  

Administrators will be completing the Letters of Recommendation for your student. The request must be submitted no later than a week in advance of the due date.  

Please submit by the student’s last name:

A-K please submit to Mr. Miller

L-Z to Mrs. Kernan



¿Vas a aplicar a una secundaria privada para el próximo año?


Por favor lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones que se encuentran en los paquetes que recibió o que bajo del internet antes de entregar los documentos a DMS.

  • Baje la aplicación y la forma de liberación del registro del estudiante de la escuela privada a la que quiere aplicar. Siga las instrucciones dadas por la escuela.
  • Complete todas las áreas necesarias.
  • Entregue la forma de liberación del registro del estudiante a la Sra. Loy en la oficina principal con una semana de anticipación. 
  • La forma de liberación del registro del estudiante debe estar firmada por padre o madre. Si la forma es entregada incompleta será retornada al estudiante. 
  • Incluya un sobre con estampilla y dirigido a la escuela, la Sra. Loy enviara por correo la liberación del registro del estudiante y la historia de calificaciones usando el sobre que usted proporcione. Si el estudiante no proporciona el sobre con la estampilla la forma será regresada al estudiante. 


Los administradores estarán completando cartas de recomendación para su estudiante. La solicitud se debe hacer no más tarde de una semana antes de la fecha límite de entrega. 


Por favor dirija su solicitud dependiendo del apellido de su estudiante:


De la A a la K entregar a la Sra. Akram correo electrónico

De la L a la Z entregar al Sra.  Kernan correo electrónico


Para obtener ayuda en español, llame al 415-485-2400 X215



connect with counseling


tips for a successful school from home experience

Please follow this link to get more information on services provided suring Remote Learning, ways to stay in touch, and additional resources to make this experience successful.

Parent Education Night
Mental Health Awareness Week september 2019
Spreading Kindness Challenge Lunch Activity

meet the counseling team

    Megan Sawyer 

Megan Sawyer (7th grade)

I am the 7th Grade Academic Counselor and am so excited to be a Davidson Cougar!

This is my 2nd year at Davidson and counseling after spending 14 years teaching Middle School Math. Originally from Minnesota, I earned my Bachelors of Science in Teaching from Winona State University. I graduated with a Masters of Education in School Counseling from the University of West Alabama. 

I moved to Marin County in 2015 because of my husband's military orders to the area and it has felt like home since! We have 2 boys in elementary school who keep us very busy. In my spare time, I enjoy camping, traveling and enjoying the beautiful NorCal weather. 

I'm looking forward to working together with students, parents and teachers to support students as they transition in and through middle school!


¡Soy la Consejera Académica de 7to Grado y estoy muy emocionada de ser una Davidson Cougar!

Este es mi segundo año en Davidson y consejería después de pasar 14 años enseñando matemáticas en la escuela secundaria. Originario de Minnesota, obtuve mi Licenciatura en Ciencias en Enseñanza de la Universidad Estatal de Winona. Me gradué con una Maestría en Educación en Consejería Escolar de la Universidad de West Alabama.

Me mudé al condado de Marin en 2015 debido a las órdenes militares de mi esposo en el área y ¡me he sentido como en casa desde entonces! Tenemos 2 niños en la escuela primaria que nos mantienen muy ocupados. En mi tiempo libre, disfruto de acampar, viajar y disfrutar del hermoso clima de NorCal.

¡Espero trabajar junto con los estudiantes, los padres y los maestros para apoyar a los estudiantes en su transición hacia la escuela intermedia y hacia ella!


Chantel Sharp  6th grade

Chantel Sharp (6th grade)

I am so excited to be here!

This is my first year of counseling. I am originally from Lincoln, CA which is outside of Sacramento. I graduated from The University of Nevada, Reno with my Bachelors of Science in Human Development and Family Studies. I recently graduated in May with a Master of Arts in Counseling from Brandman University. 

I love sports and being active. In my free time, I am always with family and friends.

I look forward to working together! Go Cougars!


¡Estoy muy emocionada de estar aqui! 

Este es mi primer año como consejera. Originalmente soy de Lincoln, CA lo cual queda afuera de Sacramento. Me graduade de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno con mi bachiderato en ciencias en el desarrollo humano y estudios familiares. Recientemente, me he graduado en Mayo con mi maestria en consejeria de la Universidad Brandaman. 

Amo los deportes y estar activa. En mis dias libres siempre me gusta estar con mi familia y amigos. 

¡Emotionada por trabajar juntos! ¡ Vamos Cougars!


Sarah Suval (8th grade)

Hi Cougars!

I am starting my first year at Davidson as the 8th grade counselor and am so happy to be a part of the Cougar family! Before coming to Davidson I  worked for 10 years in Daly City as a school counselor. I am a San Francisco native and obtained both my Bachelors of Science in Psychology and my Masters of Social Work at San Francisco State University, I am the proud mother of two girls and a Frenchie and enjoy spending time taking day trips and camping when the weather permits.  I consider the Caribbean of Costa Rica my second home and go back whenever I can!

I am looking forward to supporting students and their families while they navigate the ups and downs of middle school. 


¡Hola Cougars! 

Yo estoy comenzando mi primer año en Davidson como consejera del 8vo grado y estoy muy feliz de ser parte de la family de los Cougars! Antes de trabajar en Davidson, yo trabaje 10 años en Daly City como consejera escolar. Soy nativa de San Francisco y obtuve mi bachillerato en ciencias en psicologia y mi master en trabajador social en la Universidad de San Francisco State. Orgullosa madre de dos niñas y un Frenchie, y me gusta pasar tiempo de viaje y de campamento si el clima lo permite. Considero el Caribe de Costa Rica como mi segundo hogar y trato de regresar cuando yo puedo! 

Espero poder ayudar a los estudiantes y sus familias mientras navegan los altivajos de la escula intermediaria! 



What's New?

Covitality Mental Health Survey

All 5th, 7th, and 10th graders in San Rafael City Schools will be taking a mental health, wellness, and school climate survey on April 26th. This survey is designed to help our schools recognize school wide strengths and areas to address; as well as identify any students that might be at-risk for psychological distress (depression, anxiety, low self-concept, etc.). 

Visit COVITALITY to learn more about this tool OR view this short presentation.

Here is a letter with more information. If you do NOT want your child to participate in this survey, please return this letter or complete this OPT OUT FORM to Davidson Middle School on or before April 23rd.



  • Wellness check-ins. Students are encouraged to self-refer for academic support, organization help, peer conflict, need help problem-solving or managing emotions, or if they need to report something that is concerning. Staff or parents may also request a wellness check.

  • Brief counseling. Students have the option to work with a school counselor over a six to eight week period to address specific goals such as social problem solving, stress management, motivation and engagement, executive functioning, or increasing self-confidence.

  • Academic counseling. Students work with a counselor on a bi-weekly, monthly, or semester basis to review academic progress, identify and remedy obstacles, and make action plans for success.

  • Group counseling. Students may prefer to work in a group setting. We run the following groups each year: Wisdom Warriors, You Thrive, Stress Busters, and Success Skills.

  • Referral to school-based clinical counseling. We are fortunate to have limited availability of clinicians through our partnership with the Community Institute for Psychotherapy and Bay Area Community Resources. Other referrals to local agencies can be given upon request.

  • Consultations. Counselors are available to meet with caregivers to discuss and collaborate on student success.

  • Restorative solutions. As part of our commitment to Restorative Practices, any student or staff member can request a restorative circle. If there is a conflict or bullying situation, circles help us get to the heart of the matter and make agreements with the intent to bring harmony to the school community.

  • Stress management. Students are also encouraged to visit the Wellness Center when they need a safe space to process difficult emotions, utilize healthy coping tools, or consult with a counselor on a problem.



We are pleased to announce that DMS will be integrating Social Emotional Learning this year along with other Health and Wellness Acitivities through our PE Classes. 


We will be using curriculum from Second Step whose goals are to help students gain confidence, set goals, make better decisions, collaborate with others in work and play, and navigate the world more effectively. This is done through scaffolded across grade level and divided into key units: 

  • Unit One: Mindsets and Goals
  • Unit Two: Recognizing Bullying and Harassment
  • Unit Three: Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions
  • Unit Four: Peer Conflicts



You can also see advisory lessons we have delivered in the past:

Stress Management


Bullying Awareness


Social Media Awareness




Wild Card/ Grade Level 

Student leadership opportunities

Student Leadership Training

Students selected  show great leadership potential, empathy, thoughtfulness, and an eagerness to impact our school’s climate and culture in a positive way. The program has three major components: 


1) Training opportunities on the principles of restorative justice and community empowerment;


2) Leadership opportunities with several schoolwide activities; and 


3) Participation on the Davidson Peer Court throughout the school year.


Applications are accepted in April, and students are notified of their selection at the beginning of May for the following school year.