In trimester 1, all Rio Vista 6th grade students will be engaged in a Project Based Learning experience aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). After studying plate tectonics and earthquakes, students are challenged to work as teams to create the tallest building to withstand a large magnitude earthquake simulation. Teams compete in class competitions as well as grade level competitions. This project incorporates science, technology, engineering and mathematical problem solving (STEM).

Students will explore:

*  factors that affect the durability of buildings during earthquakes

*  causes of earthquakes (fault/boundary types and location)

*  variations in causes, magnitudes and resulting damage of earthquakes

*  how earthquakes are measured

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Earthquake Building Competition Blogs

2017 Rio STEAM Colloquium Technology

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As the crowd of teachers rolled into this year’s STEAM Colloquium, the sense of excitement and anticipation was in the air.  Maybe it was the spread of appetizers that greeted…
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April Harvest of the Month – Mandarins

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Mandarins are usually eaten plain or in fruit salads. Mandarins are smaller and oblate, rather than spherical like the common oranges. The taste is considered less sour, as well as sweeter…
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College. Go For it! Complete it! Enjoy it!

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College Go for it! Complete it! Enjoy it!   This month’s Ventura County gathering of school superintendent’s was noteworthy. We were fortunate to be visited by three educational leaders in…
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