Policy & Procedures
Attendance Policy & Procedures
Attendance Line: (253) 530-4106
Importance of Good Attendance
Attendance is important for academic success, and students are expected to be at school and in the classroom, ready to learn, before the bell at 8:15 a.m.
Attendance and School Work
Class Attendance and On-Time Arrival
Students are responsible for reporting to each class on time. If a student will be late reporting to school due to an appointment or true family emergency, we ask that a parent call the school to report such circumstance, or send a written note with student. All tardies other than for an appointment or true family emergency are considered unexcused and will result in an infraction. Students arriving late to class throughout the day may receive an infraction from the teacher.
Parents or Guardians must call the school (253) 530-4106 if a student is expected to be tardy or absent. If this call is not made on the day of the absence, parents or guardians must send a note to school including the student’s first and last name, grade level, date(s) of absence, and reason for absence. Please include a daytime telephone number or email address where we can contact you. The parent or guardian is asked to notify the office at least two weeks prior to any scheduled absence.
Excused Absences:
- Upon 5 excused absences- parent/guardian will be contacted by phone.
- 10 absences- letter sent home from school.
- 20 absences- second letter sent, required conference with administrator, and attendance contract signed by parent and student.
- 30 absences- doctor’s note required for subsequent absences. Without a doctor’s note, absences will be considered unexcused.
Unexcused Absences:
- 1st unexcused absence- documented phone call to parent/guardian and letter sent.
- 2nd unexcused absence in one month or 5 for school year- Second letter sent home, required conference with administrator, and attendance contract signed.
- 5th unexcused absence in one month, or 10 unexcused absences in a year, administrator files truancy petition with the court.
Bus Notes
- To ride a different bus home, a parent note must be turned in to the main office prior to the conclusion of lunches.
- Bus drivers will only accept blue bus passes written out by the school office.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
- Use of electronic devices during class time for purposes other than those preapproved by the teacher, may result in the device being confiscated and held by administration.
- Students are not allowed to take photos or video at school with electronic devices without permission.
- Students are encouraged to lock their devices in lockers during the school day.
- If a student decides to carry an electronic device on their person, it must be stored out of sight and set to silent mode so that it does not become a distraction to learning.
Bring electronic devices at your own risk.
If the cell phone or personal electronic device is found to be in use during the day, other than when in class and approved by the teacher, it will be confiscated.
- First offense, the student may pick up the device from the office at the end of the day.
- Second offense, the student will also be assigned a lunch detention.
- Third or subsequent violations, the student will also be assigned an after school detention or other appropriate disciplinary action.
Sick Student Policy
General Measures of Prevention
A student with symptoms that may indicate a communicable disease will be sent to the health room for first aid.
The parent/guardian will be contacted and asked to pick up the child if any of the following are present:
• Fever – oral temperature of 100˚ F or greater
• Red, draining eye(s)
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Rash
• Any symptom(s) causing great discomfort for the student (e.g., severe cough)
A student may return to school after illness under the following conditions:
• Fever-free without anti-fever medication for 24 hours
• No vomiting for 24 hours
• No diarrhea for 24 hours
• Note from health care provider indicating no longer contagious