

“Treat people as they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being.” Goethe

School Counselors Help Our Children Find Success in School by . . .

  • Helping develop positive attitudes among students towards self, family, and community as a classroom citizen.
  • Meeting with students individually and in counseling groups to understand and appreciate their unique qualities and to help them grow personally and socially.
  • Supporting students by teaching skills for achieving success.
  • Delivering research-based classroom lessons that teach social-emotional, personal safety, and bully prevention skills.
  • Assisting students to become invested in their school success by showing them how school performance relates to future opportunities.
  • Working collaboratively with students, parents, teachers and others to identify and remove barriers to student achievement.

Elementary Counseling services are for all students, not just those in crisis situations. 

Evergreen’s School Counseling Program Includes…

  • Classroom skill-building activities from a variety of research-based curricula regarding issues such as bullying, empathy/friendship, problem solving, emotion management and personal safety.
  • Individualized short-term, solution-focused counseling for student problems and concerns
  • Lunch Groups for all students designed to improve social skills and build connections and relationships
  • Parenting information and resources
  • Consultation with parents, teachers, and other interested adults
  • Referrals to outside agencies and resources

What does an Elementary School Counselor do?

A school counselor is a professional who provides services for all students to help them develop academically, personally, emotionally, and socially.

How and Why do Parents Contact the School Counselor?

  • Concerns over student achievement
  • Family health problems
  • New school registration and orientation
  • Discussing special needs of their child
  • Early discussion of potential crises
  • Family difficulties or concerns

Note: Parents can call or email the school counselor at any time to set up a conference.

How Does a Student See the Counselor?

  • Self-referral
  • Parent referral
  • Administrative referral
  • Teacher or other staff referral
  • Referral by friend(s)
  • Counselor request

Guidance Counselor vs. School Counselor…

  • Click on this link to watch an informative video on the differences between guidance counselors and school counselors

Second Step Summative Assessments

Child Protection Unit Summative Assessment

Contact Information:

Bethany McDermott, M.Ed.
Evergreen Elementary School
(253) 530-1393


  • A Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Services
  • A Masters of Education degree in School Counseling
  • Washington State E.S.A. Certification in School Counseling
  • Professional membership in the American School Counselor Association (ASCA)