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Putnam County R-I Schools

Elementary School


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Patrick, Pizza, Polar Bears, and Popsicles!

    Learning about letter P proved to be loads of FUN! With the help of Ms. Kate, the preschoolers got to paint Patrick Mahomes.  Do they know who he is? Well, here are some of their thoughts on Patrick. "He plays soccer." "He plays football." "He throws a ball." "He is upstairs."

Not too bad!

Next we read the book "Pizza" and then made and baked our own pizzas!

We also read the book "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" We learned about arctic animals and played a polar bear letter matching game.

To top the letter P unit off, Mrs.Stobbe's Nutrition class made us some healthy snacks. One of those snacks was a yummy popsicle! Thank you so much to Mrs.Stobbe and her class!