Only Two Weeks Left of First Quarter!
It is hard to believe that the end of first quarter is fast approaching. Geometry class is in the middle of unit two and just beginning to be introduced to proofs. It is unclear whether we will test over this unit prior to the end of first quarter. Pre-calculus class is reviewing the prerequisite unit and will test next week. The class will then begin a unit on basic functions and their graphs. Intermediate Algebra II is in the middle of a linear functions unit.
For any student worried about their first quarter grade, there is still time to do extra credit. Any student may do eight thirty-minute sessions with me and raise their quarter grade 3%. If they are unable to do eight, it is prorated. The extra credit consists of practicing solving equations on and when a student masters that skill, they work on other skills.
I would be happy to assist any student who needs help to finish the first quarter well.