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Standard Complaint Resolution Procedure

Putnam County R-I Schools Standard Complaint Resolution Procedure This complaint resolution procedure applies to all programs administered by the MO Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. A complaint is a formal allegation that a specific federal or state law or regulation has been violated, misapplied, or misinterpreted by school district personnel or by Department of Education personnel. Any parent or guardian, surrogate parent, teacher, administrator, school board member, or other person directly involved with an activity, program, or project operated under the general supervision of the Department may file a complaint. Such a complaint must be in writing and signed; it will provide specific details of the situation and indicate the law or regulation that is allegedly being violated, misapplied, or misinterpreted. The written, signed complaint must be filed and the the resolution pursued in accordance with local school policy: Policy 1480 Public Complaints.  Although no member of the community shall be denied the right to petition the Board of Education for redress of a grievance, the complaints will be referred through the proper administrative channels for solution before investigation or action by the Board. Exceptions are complaints that concern Board actions or Board operations only. The Board advises the public that the proper channeling of complaints involving instruction, discipline, or learning materials is as follows:

 1. Teacher

 2. Principal

3. Appropriate Central Office Administrator 

4. Superintendent

 5. Board of Education

 Any complaint about school personnel will be investigated by the Administration before consideration and action by the Board. Last modified: January 01, 2003