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Putnam County R-I Schools

Elementary School


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Speech/Language Therapy is Off and Running!

The year is off to a great start!  The kids have been coming to my room ready to learn.  It has been great!  As the year begins, I review my IEP Goal Data from last year and compare it to new data collected at the beginning of this year. Collecting this information helps me determine progress, and it helps me better determine and prioritize appropriate goals in the upcoming year.  I am happy to say all of the speech/language kiddos have made gains of at least 20% (a goal I set for myself) in one, some, or all of their IEP Goals.  As parent/teacher conferences approach, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone to set a time to review your child’s progress in speech/language therapy.  You can also stop by prior to or following your child’s primary classroom conference, or I will also review the progress at individual IEP Meetings set throughout the year.  Hope your family’s year is off to a great start too!