
En español



Health and Safety at School 

Masks: Students are required to wear a cloth, disposable, or N-395 face mask on the bus  and while in the classroom/school building when they are at school except when eating.  Gators, plastic shields, etc. have not yet been approved by the CDC.  Students who come to school without a mask will be provided one by the district. When students are eating, they can remove masks but will be required to be 3-feet apart.

Illness: If students have a temperature, are feeling ill or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 should be kept home.  Students who come to school exhibiting illness with COVID-19 symptoms or who have a fever of 100.4 will be sent home and may be requested to have a negative COVID-19 test prior to coming back to school.

Handwashing: Students should wash their hands before  they leave home , when they arrive at school, before they go to lunch and when they return from recess.

Three feet apart: Students  should stay 3 feet from others  as much as possible at school, including in classrooms, in hallways, in bathrooms, in the lunch room, and at recess.

Immunizations and Healthcare Plans

Individual healthcare plans: If your child has one and you have not yet updated it, you will need to contact the school nurse to ensure it is updated. Students will not be able to attend onsite until their plan is current and necessary medications are onsite.

Immunizations: All students must be up-to-date on their immunizations prior  to coming to school. Please ensure immunization information or  appropriate signed paperwork is turned in to the school office before your child’s  first day.

Students who are NOT current on immunizations will not be able to attend school.

School District Nurse: (360) 426-8291 Ext: 2113

What Should My Student Bring to School?

  • Backpack
  • Chromebook and charger
  • Mask
  • Water bottle

Parent Transportation

  • Student arrival begins at 8:25. If cars arrive early, students need to wait until school staff give permission for students to leave the car.
  • Students CANNOT be “dropped off” early or walk to the building through the parking lot.
  • Students are required to exit vehicles at the curb where district staff can direct them to the correct location of their classroom. Students will go directly from parent cars to the exterior entrance of their classroom.
  • Parents CANNOT park or exit their vehicles during the drop-off/pick-up period.

All district buildings will be closed to public access during the 8:30 – 9 a.m. drop-off period.

Visitors, parents, and volunteers will need a scheduled appointment after 9 a.m. to enter the buildings and masks are required when entering the building.

All volunteers are required to be vaccinated to be in the building.

Pioneer Elementary Arrival & Dismissal

Student arrival time is between 8:30 and 9 a.m. only.

(parents must wait in vehicle with students).

  • Parents must follow the established traffic pattern, stay in their cars (no parking).
  • Students may only exit the vehicle at the curb where district staff are located in front of the schools.
  • Students are NOT allowed to exit cars or walk to the building from the parking lot.
  • Students must have a face mask on when they enter the building.

Dismissal is at 3 p.m.

  • Students will be outside in front of the school in socially distanced grade-level groups .
  • The parking lot will follow the same route as in drop off to maximize space.
  • Parents should pull up to the curb for pick-up as far as possible to the front of the line.
  • Once students identify their vehicle with staff, staff will release them. Vehicles will then be able to pull out into the left exit lane.

Pioneer Middle School Arrival & Dismissal

Student arrival time is between 8:30 and 9 a.m. only.

(parents must wait in vehicle with students).

  • Parents must follow the established traffic pattern, stay in their cars (no parking).
  • Students may only exit the vehicle at the curb where district staff are located in front of the schools.
  • Students are NOT allowed to exit cars or walk to the building from the parking lot.
  • Students must have a face mask on when they enter the building.

Dismissal is at 3 p.m.

  • Students will be outside in front of the school in socially distanced grade-level groups .
  • The parking lot will follow the same route as in drop off to maximize space.
  • Parents should pull up to the curb for pick-up as far as possible to the front of the line.
  • Once students identify their vehicle with staff, staff will release them. Vehicles will then be able to pull out into the left exit lane.

Student Meals

All students are currently able to receive a free breakfast and lunch at school. All students will have access to breakfast in their classrooms when they arrive at school.

Families still need to complete the free and reduced lunch form for their children.

Bus Transportation

Students who are ill or have a temperature of 100.4 should stay home from school and not ride the bus.

Bus transportation is limited due to a limited number of bus drivers. Parents are encouraged to drive students to school if at all possible.

OUR DISTRICT IS HIRING BUS DRIVERS! Please contact the bus barn at (360) 426-3182 if you are interested in driving a bus for Pioneer School District.

Contact our transportation department if you need to know your child’s bus stop, pick-up, or arrival time. No bus passes are available in Phase II.