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Superintendent’s Message



June 2024


Dear Parents,

As we approach the summer break, I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts and suggestions on how you can support your child’s learning and growth during this time away from school. Summer break is an excellent opportunity for children to explore new interests, engage in creative activities, and spend quality time with family and friends. It’s also a crucial period for reinforcing and extending the learning that has taken place during the school year. Here are some ways you can help make this summer break both enjoyable and enriching for your child:

  1. Encourage Reading: Reading is one of the most beneficial activities your child can engage in over the summer. Encourage them to read books that interest them, whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or graphic novels. Set aside time each day for silent reading, and consider creating a cozy reading corner in your home.
  2. Explore Nature: Take advantage of the warmer weather by spending time outdoors. Whether it’s going for hikes, picnics in the park, or simply playing in the backyard, nature offers endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. Encourage your child to observe plants, animals, and the environment around them, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.
  3. STEM Activities: Engage your child in hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This could involve building simple machines, conducting kitchen experiments, or exploring coding through online resources or educational apps.
  4. Arts and Crafts: Foster your child’s creativity through arts and crafts projects. Provide them with supplies such as paper, markers, paint, and clay, and encourage them to express themselves through various artistic mediums. This not only enhances their artistic skills but also promotes self-expression and imagination.
  5. Learning Through Play: Remember that learning doesn’t have to be confined to a traditional classroom setting. Encourage your child to play games that stimulate their mind, such as puzzles, board games, and educational apps. These activities promote strategic thinking, problem-solving, and social skills.
  6. Summer Learning Programs: Consider enrolling your child in a summer learning program or camp that aligns with their interests. Whether it’s a sports camp, arts workshop, or academic enrichment program, these opportunities can provide structure and stimulation during the break.
  7. Family Adventures: Plan family outings and excursions to museums, zoos, aquariums, and other educational destinations. These experiences not only provide valuable learning opportunities but also create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds.
  8. Maintain a Routine: While summer break is a time for relaxation and fun, maintaining a consistent daily routine can help provide structure and stability for your child. Set regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and designated times for learning activities to help maintain a sense of balance and routine.
  9. Lead by Example: Finally, be a role model for lifelong learning. Share your own interests and hobbies with your child, and demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning and exploration. Your enthusiasm and encouragement will inspire them to embrace learning as a lifelong journey.

Summer break is a precious time for children to recharge, explore, and grow. By providing opportunities for learning, exploration, and creativity, you can help make this summer break a rewarding and enriching experience for your child.

Thank you for your continued support of Pioneer Schools and involvement in your child’s education.

As always, my door is open and you can also reach me at: jdavis@psd402.org