Pickwick Early Childhood Center will host a registration event for new and returning students on Thursday, February 10 from 4-7:30 p.m.
The event is for parents wishing to enroll new and returning three- and/or four-year-old children in the Ottumwa Schools’ FREE preschool program. The preschool is offered Monday - Thursday with staggered drop off and pick up times. Drop off begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m., depending on the classroom in which children are placed. Parents will have an opportunity to express which drop off and pick up times work best for their family. Parents who need transportation may sign up for a daily shuttle bus from and to each elementary school. A fee-based before and after school child care option is also available to parents. A short informational video will be shown while families enjoy a meal of hot dogs, chips, water and a cookie. We are excited to welcome new families to our preschool!
For more information, contact Principal Kelli Phillips at 641-684-7179 for more information.