PECC Drive-Up Graduation

teacher giving diploma

Despite COVID-19, an early end to the school year, and social distancing, several staff at Pickwick held graduation events for their students.

On Sunday, May 31, Kelly Young and her classroom associates held a drive up graduation for their students and their families. "We felt this would be a great way to provide some much needed closure for this school year," said Young. "We have had such amazing support from our families all year and providing this special event for them and their child was important to us."

Two different time slots were provided in order to respect social distancing. Each family parked in a designated parking spot facing the building and each child was announced and their families walked across the parking. Each child received a diploma, a congratulations poster board, and had pictures taken with their teachers( who wore masks) and their families. 

"One of the moments I will treasure is while the families in the cars waited their turn, they cheered and clapped for each child as they received their diploma," said Young. "Such an amazing site and so appreciative of this generous act of kindness."

preschool family

preschool family

preschool family

preschool family