NCCS Viking Digital Academy

Welcome to the North Canton City Schools Digital Academy

The NCDA is a non-profit online school that was founded in 2018 to give students an alternative educational option. This academy will help students fulfill graduation requirements, provide a non-traditional approach to education, and promote students’ independence in academic performance and responsibility for personal learning. The NCDA is open to residents of the North Canton City School District and tuition students who meet the prerequisites set forth by the North Canton City Schools Board of Education.




The Acellus curriculum is aligned to the Common Core Standards in math and English Language Arts, just like North Canton's curriculum is aligned with Ohio Standards which is aligned to the Common Core.  At the K-3 level, there's a very strong emphasis on math and English Language arts in the North Canton schools, and Acellus will have that same emphasis.  However, there will be content work in Social Studies and science, and the standards are very similar to the Ohio standards in those two subjects.  Also, our North Canton teachers will have the flexibility to adjust what is taught to ensure that it aligns the best that it can. The benefit of having your child in North Canton’s online program is that we will have North Canton teachers connected to your child whereas if you work through Acellus, you will not have a local teacher.

Several other districts in Stark County are using Acellus or another online curriculum provider such as Florida Virtual or Agilix.  In all cases, a district teacher is connected to the students and not an Acellus teacher.  In North Canton, a North Canton teacher will be connected to all students.  The decision was made to go with an online curriculum provider where the content is already created so that teachers can spend their time actually instructing students instead of spending time creating the curriculum and putting it into an online platform that students could access at home.  While we feel our teachers did the best that they could with that in March
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Digital Academy Director
man with white shirt and black jacket
Mike Bluey
Digital Academy Director
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