Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of September 14, 2020
Greetings Caregivers! Lots of information to share!
It was really nice to see so many of you attending meetings with your child’s teachers at the end of last week. I know meetings are also scheduled for today and Tuesday. I hope these meetings have helped you and your child to feel a bit more settled as we begin the school year. Please contact me if you would like to talk.
The official first day of school (for students in grades 1-5) will be Wednesday, September 16. The first day of school for kindergarten will be Monday, September 21. Teachers will be sending out specific classroom schedules, but I can let you know that the plan is to have students engaged in learning (with teacher/staff support) for the full school day on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and that Wednesday would be a lighter day with a morning and afternoon check in with the teacher, but more “independent” activities throughout the day. For this remote time, school “hours” will remain the same as they have been in the past 8:50-3:00 (on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays). If we can get to the Hybrid Model (hoping good health and a vaccine will get us there!), the schedule would obviously change, and I’ll send further information at that time.
As a result of a Negotiations Agreement just announced on Friday, there have been some slight changes to our schedule. This week, Thursday and Friday will be half days. In addition, any in-person learning will not begin until Monday, September 21. I have attached information from Dr. Pam Plumer, Director of Student Services. If your child is going to receive any services, the special education teacher and/or I will be in touch with you this week about the specific schedule. I understand how difficult it has been to have to wait so long to hear about all of these specifics. I am really sorry.
Student-Services-Communication-Sept-11-2020I have attached a letter from our fabulous PE Teacher, Rebecca Minton about what to expect in the coming school year. Check it out!
PE-LetterI have also attached information from our nurse, Karen Schiaffo. Please read that and let her know if you have any questions. Her number at school is 587-1557.
Return-to-School-Nurse-MessageChromebooks: Our plan is to make sure that all students who need a device will have one. If you were unable to pick up a device, please do so when you meet with your child’s teacher. If you are not meeting in person, but need a chromebook, please call the office, and we can arrange a time for you to pick it up. Please call with any questions.
Teachers will continue scheduling days to meet with you and for materials pick up. We hope that every student and caregiver get the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, whether in person, or remotely. These initial connections are the start to building strong relationships for the year ahead.
This week’s photos show our generous Igneri family treating staff to the Local Burger food truck! That was such a delicious lunch! And, we received a generous family donation of sand for our courtyard (we are preparing that space for in person learning/discovery). Also, I have included some photos from our caregiver meetings with teachers. It was really wonderful to have families here at school!
Our Technology Department is offering Technology Workshops for Caregivers. Check it out! I hope you able to “attend” something that might be helpful for you as you try and support your children online.
And, Surviving the Pandemic: Creating a New Normal
Are you concerned about how the pandemic is affecting your family’s social and emotional wellbeing? Learn how to support your children and yourself during these difficult times. Join the Support Network for a conversation with Karen Zilberstein, LICSW. Participation will be via Zoom. Flyer is attached here.
Surviving-the-Pandemic-2020Important Upcoming Dates
September 16: First day of School!
September 21: First day of school for Kindergarten and for any in-person services at school.
Stay up to date (under normal circumstances or not!) with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal