Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of September 13, 2021
Greetings Caregivers!
We continue to have really wonderful days at Ryan Road School. Your children are delightful!
Please remember, we have new school hours from 8:00-2:10. Adult supervision begins on the playground at 7:45. Free breakfast (bagged to go!) is available for all starting at 7:45.
This week’s photos show the first day of Kindergarten! It was wonderful to have our kindergarten students at school last week. Other photos show our outdoor lunch dining, which works very well, and there are also some photos of fun and drawing at recess. Also, every year, our fabulous Administrative Assistant, Ms. Keillor, creates a bulletin board with all of our students. This year it is fish fun, and I attached a photo.
School Garden
This week we will begin our school gardening program with SchoolSprouts and our garden educator, Hope Gaurdenier. All of our students will have time in the garden three times in the fall and four times in the spring. Wednesday is our gardening day this year.
COVID Updates:
I hope that everyone received the call from our Superintendent, Dr. Provost, letting you know that starting on Monday, all students and staff will be required to mask outdoors as well as indoors. I know that this is sometimes a challenge, but we did it last year, and we can do it again.
I also need to let you know that we have had a positive case in our school. Close contacts have been identified, and we hope that we will continue to have NO in school transmissions. A letter about this situation is attached here. I know that having your child be identified as a close contact and having to stay out of school to be tested poses a real challenge and creates anxiety. I am so sorry,
There is also an additional document outlining some other COVID information here.
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We also continue to use HEPA filters and fans in all classrooms. We have stocked up on sanitizer, and each classroom has a sink for hand-washing. We will certainly keep distanced as much as possible.
Very soon, I will be sending an online link to sign up for COVID testing.
Please remember to keep your child home if they are ill. Here is a link with some guidelines to help you make the decision:
Email our wonderful nurse, Karen Schiaffo, if you have any questions.
After School
Liftoff Learning begins on Tuesday. Here is the caregiver link if you need any reminders.
We will be holding YEP (Youth Enrichment Programs) on Mondays and Fridays until 4:00. YEP runs three 8-10 week sessions throughout the school year. At this point, we have very few teachers/classes, but we are hoping to get more and have some options. Fingers crossed. We’ll send more information about YEP classes soon, but they will begin the week of September 27.
The other option for after school activities is Girls on the Run, and I have attached that flyer.
Ryan-Road-registrationUpdated School Calendar
2021.2022.Calendar.revised.9.9.21Important Upcoming Dates
September 14: Liftoff Learning Begins 2:10-3:30 on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays.
September 16: No School—Yom Kippur
September 21: School Photos (information will go home soon)
September 22: Autumnal Equinox—Happy Fall!
October 8: Early Dismissal (11:30) for Teacher Work Day
Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!
I hope that all families and caregivers feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am happy to meet with any of you after school hours (when I can allow you inside!) or can talk on the phone anytime.
Sarah Madden, Principal