Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of January 3, 2022

Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of January 3, 2022

No School on Monday, January 3. I hope you received the communication from Superintendent Provost. Attached is the letter sent, in case you missed it.



No School on Thursday, January 6, as many will be celebrating Three King’s Day.

I hope everyone enjoyed the break!

We had a wonderful Winter Solstice Celebration before the holiday break. Thank you for all those who donated clementines! They were delicious!

Solar Panels are Coming!!

Through the generosity of Morey Phippen and Brian Adams and their Phippenadams Solar organization whose mission is to provide nonprofit organizations with solar arrays at no cost, our school will receive a rooftop photovoltaic array in the near future. The Northampton School Committee City Council have taken the necessary votes, and Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education has given his approval for the array installation. This construction project is sure to prompt many questions about sustainability, climate change, and engineering. What a wonderful opportunity for our students to see real-world STEM applications at our school.


This best of this week’s photos shows a photo that a parent took of our Winter Solstice celebration—so beautiful! And, some other very nice photos that I took of the celebration are also included. 

COVID Updates

Because of the holiday on Thursday, we will be doing our safety check (pool testing) on Tuesday, January 4 this week. If anyone tests positive, caregivers of close contacts will be notified and students can participate in our institution of Test and Stay protocols (if you have given consent for testing at school). Fingers crossed for negative results. 

Here is a handy QR Code to sign up for testing at school!


Please stay vigilant regarding COVID safety and get vaccinated if you have not already done so. I am glad that I have heard from so many of our students that they have been vaccinated, as this is the best way to keep the whole school community safe.

Call (587-1557) or email our wonderful nurse, Karen Schiaffo, if you have any health questions.

Thank you for keeping your child home if they are ill. Here is a link with some guidelines to help you make the decision: 

More and more caregivers are using rapid home tests which is great for peace of mind but these tests are not acceptable for clearance to return to school when students have had symptoms. Sorry about that. 

• Here us a handy document from Nurse Karen about where to go for COVID testing, if needed.


      ** Also, after the vacation, masks will not be required outside.**

Students will have to keep one in a pocket, if they choose not to wear one outside, as the masks will be needed when we get into the building.

Lunch Menu News

Revised January Lunch Calendar is attached. Also, the plan is  to serve Monday’s lunch menu (quesadillas) on Tuesday 1/4.  As of right now, we will eliminate Tuesday’s menu and Wednesday 1/5 will be popcorn chicken bowl. 


Also, please remember that if your child buys Milk Only or an extra milk, your account will be charged $.50.

Morning Drop Off

Thank you for doing all you can to get your children to school on time. It really helps to start the day right when they can be a part of morning meeting, when classes focus on community building and share information about the day ahead. Also, please use the drop off area and have your child use the cross walk. Cars should not be entering the bus loop. These safety rules and routines are important. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Cold Weather

Please make sure to send warm clothes for your child for recess. We go outside unless it is pouring or below 15 degrees. Let us know if you need help with outdoor clothing. We will make sure your child has what they need. Thank you!

And, speaking of clothes, Nurse Karen, would love some donations of gently used clothing for her supply in the nurse’s office. Students often need a change of clothes during the school day (for any number of reasons), and we are getting low on options. Thank you!

Important Upcoming Dates

January 4: Return to School—Happy 2022!

January 4: COVID Safety testing (pool testing)

January 4: Liftoff Learning resumes after school

January 6: No School—Three Kings Day

January 17: No School—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 24-27 & January 31—Early Release Days (11:30 Dismissal) for Teacher/Caregiver Conferences—Teachers will be in touch with you about signing up.

January 28: No School—Teacher Work Day

Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families and caregivers feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am happy to meet with any of you after school hours (when I can allow you inside!) or can talk on the phone anytime. 


Sarah Madden, Principal