Get Ready for Winter

Get Ready for Winter

Get ready for Winter!

Order a snow shovel by writing to Andrea at

Style 1Bluelightweight$5
Style 2Redmedium weight, galvanized wear strip$6
Style 3Greyheavy duty, galvanized wear strip$8

We have a total of 30 shovels available! Order by 11/24/2019 to receive your shovel before the Thanksgiving break!

Please include in your order:

First + last name, homeroom, shovel style, phone # and your pick up option from below. Pay per check at pick up!

Make checks payable to “JSS PTO”, memo line “Nature’s Classroom 2020”.
Pick up options are:

  • Option A: pick up on Tue, 11/26, 8:15-8:45 am JSS overflow parking lot (basketball court)
  • Option B: pick up on Tue, 11/26, 2:45-3:30 pm JSS overflow parking lot (basketball court)
  • Option C: need other pick up option

Happy Winter and thank you for supporting this wonderful JSS tradition!!

The Nature’s Classroom 2020 Fundraising Committee
