Photos Photos this week show shadow making a morning recess, our fabulous YEP play of Charlotte’s Web, our Student Leadership Team appreciation breakfast, starter plants in Ms. Desmond’s room (they are preparing plants for the garden), and Ms. Cleary’s class enjoying a taste of rhubarb on Friday. The last photo shows how we are preparing...
JFK’s Scrabble Club makes the News
Students at Northampton join community members at the Lily Library for Scrabble games–this time, Connecting Point featured an article about them. Evan, mentioned in the news clip, and JFK teammates, Gordon and Robbie just competed in the two-day North American School Scrabble Championship in Philadelphia at the end of April. Teacher, Ben Greenwood, was asked...
Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of May 12
Photos Photos this week show our record number of walkers for our Walking Wednesdays in May! We have been lucky to have nice weather on our Walking Wednesdays during this wet spring! Also, Mr. Ted led a trip to the Vernal Pool with our 5th graders on Friday to observe and collect lots of different...
Principal Canata announces his departure
On Monday afternoon, Principal Canata announced that he will be leaving Northampton Public School District to serve in his hometown of Holyoke. Sal Canata, III, has been a driving force for positivity and community building at Leeds for 8 years, and he will be missed. Read more, here…
Bottle Cap Mural comes to Fruition
Students in Art teacher Michelle Mallory’s and STEM teacher Jack Dembkowski’s forum used their time this spring to brighten up the lobby here at JFK. After winter planning sessions with lots of ideas from students and staff, they decided to create a new mural for the front lobby depicting the fours seasons. But a simple...
Principal Canata’s Sunday Message – May 5, 2019 – for Leeds Library Northampton Public Schools’ K-8 Art Show 2019 at JFK Middle School