Available Courses

  • Available courses that have been pre-approved for district staff:

    Curriculum Pathways - Free to Northampton County staff (grades 6-12 only)

    NCDPI Online Modules - Free to all Northampton County Schools staff; must have Powerschool or Powerteacher login credentials in order to access courses
    Pre-Approved for Technology Credit

    • Effective Digital Strategies for the K-12 classroom (MOOClet) - 2.0 CEUs
    • Responsibilities of the 21st Century Educator - 1.0 CEU
    • Digital Literacies in the K–12 Classroom - 1.5 CEUs
    • Connecting with our 21st Century Learners - 1.0 CEU
    • Responsibilities of the 21st-Century Educator - 1.0 CEU