Fraud Notice

  • The Northampton County Public School System needs your help in detecting and stopping fraud.  Call the HOTLINE to report any theft or fraud involving school system money or property.  We need your help.

    If you suspect that someone or some company is stealing school system money or student money, call the HOTLINE.
    If you suspect that someone or some company is stealing school system property, call the HOTLINE.
    If you suspect that someone or some company is tricking or deceiving the school system for personal gain, call the HOTLINE.
    If you suspect that someone or some company is working together with others to steal or misappropriate our money or property, call the HOTLINE.

    The FRAUD NOTICE assures the anonymity of the caller and remains confidential.  You may leave your phone number if you wish.

    When calling the HOTLINE, please provide as much information as possible including:

    • Who committed the fraud or theft?

    • What department is involved?

    • What exactly did the suspect do?

    • How was the fraud or theft committed?

    • What is the location of any available evidence (physical evidence or records)?

    • Do you know why the person committed the fraud or theft?

    • Who else has knowledge of the potential violation?

    • Names and telephone numbers of credible witnesses, if available.

    • Caller's name and telephone number, if you choose not to remain anonymous.

    The school system will not tolerate fraud or theft. The school system shall protect public money and property intended for our students.  All employees have a responsibility to report any fraud or theft.

    Special points of interest:

    1. Your hotline call goes to an answering machine maintained by the Internal Audit Department.
    2. The Whistle Blower Act of 1985 protects you from your employer or supervisor from discriminating against you if you were to turn in any employee for wrongful acts.
    3. You may call anonymously or you may leave your phone number.
    4. All reports of fraud will be held in the strictest confidence.
    5. Do not use the Fraud Hotline to report complaints or grievances involving wages, working conditions, discrimination, and other personnel issues.  These issues should be reported in accordance with board policy.
