• Northampton County Schools Inclement Weather Procedures


    On mornings when school is being delayed or canceled due to fog or inclement weather, the following are the primary sources of communication to parents and staff:

    Whenever possible, the first Parent Square call will go out to bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria managers, principals, and assistant principals at 4:30 am. It will be posted to the website shortly after that. The general call to everyone will be scheduled for 5:00 am. The following media outlets will have information about early dismissals, closings, and delays:

    •  Television stations: WRAL, WITN, WAVY, WTVD

    •   Radio stations:  WDLZ-FM 98.3

    When school is on a one or two-hour delay, your child’s bus should arrive very close to the one or two times. For example, if your child gets on the bus at 6:45 am on regular scheduled days, their bus should arrive around 7:45 am on a one-hour day and 8:45 am on a two-hour delay day.

    When the general call goes out, parents and staff will be advised as to the status of the day:

    • Delayed one hour for students

    • Delayed one hour for students and staff

    • Delayed two hours for students

    • Delayed two hours for students and staff

    • Facilities closed for students and designated staff on remote learning days

    • Closed for students, optional workday for teachers

    • Closed for everyone

      Every effort will be made to make the call the day before. This is not always possible. No announcement means that school is operating regularly. Please check local stations, Facebook, or district websites for information.

    In making the decision, NCS transportation department is out as early as 3:00 am driving and checking the roads. There is constant communication with Northampton County Emergency Management Services and Law Enforcement. As a reminder, our school district covers more than 60 square miles. If we cannot safely travel through any part of the county, then schools for the entire county will be affected. 

    When schools are dismissed early due to weather, parents will be contacted using Parent Square, the district website, and Facebook.  Please keep in mind the following points about early dismissals:

    • Once we dismiss, completing all bus routes takes just over 2 ½ hours.

    • Students will have lunch served on days when schools are dismissed before 11:00 am.

    Transportation Coordinator Ryan Branch will communicate the conditions to Superintendent Dr. Rosa Atkins, and the final decision will be made with the safety of students in mind. 

    If you do not receive calls, please contact your school to ensure your information is correct in Powerschool. 

    While we hope for a few interruptions to our school schedules and calendar, it does pay off for everyone to think ahead and be prepared in inclement weather. The safety of our students and employees will always be the top priority of our school system.