NCDPI Online Courses

  • These courses are available at no cost to North Carolina educators and will be facilitated by DPI professionals. The courses are completed entirely online. Participants are expected to meet all weekly deadlines in order to receive CEUs. Partialcredit will not be given.  

    Registration is limited to 35 participants per facilitated section or up to 300 for MOOC sessions.

    To learn more about each course list below, follow the instructions below on how to log into TNL to self-register for an online course. 

    Course name

    • DigitalLiteracies in the Classroom (6weeks)
    • Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects: Part 1 (5 weeks)
    • Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects: Part 2 (6 weeks)
    • Introduction to Data Literacy (5 weeks)
    • Data Literacy in Action (6 weeks)
    • Introduction to UDL (4 weeks)
    • Connecting with our 21 CenturyLearners(6 weeks)
    • NC Professional teaching standards (6 weeks)

    Follow instructions below to complete the registration process:

    • Log in to the NCEES system using your usual PowerSchool log in or the alternate log in

    https://ncees.homebase. alternateLogin.html

    • Click the Professional Development tab.
    • You can search for the course or list all opportunities to find the course you wish to register for.
    • You are then presented with the course screen. 
    • Click on the section
    • Click on the register button.
    • Directions on how to register are available at 

    https://ncees.homebase. Searching%20and%20Registering% 20for%20Courses.mp4

    There are other courses available for credit on the professional development site.  These are just the instructor-led courses.