district plan

Draft 2023-2024 District Improvement Plan

  • The Northampton County Schools' District is in the process of updating its District Improvement Plan.  As a part of this process, and to make sure it continues to align well with the values of our community and the needs of our students, staff, and families, we would appreciate your feedback through this survey.

    Northampton County Schools está en proceso de actualizar su Plan de Mejoramiento del Distrito. Como parte del proceso, y para asegurar que se continúe alineando bien con los valores de nuestra comunidad y las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes, personal, y familias, apreciaríamos mucho sus comentarios a través de esta encuesta. 

    We will use these survey results, along with other stakeholder feedback, to help guide discussions and shape the improvement plan.
    Utilizaremos los resultados de esta encuesta, junto con los comentarios de otras partes interesadas, para ayudar a guiar las discusiones y formar el plan de mejoramiento. 
    Please submit your responses by October 27, 2023.
    Por favor someta sus respuestas antes del 27 de octubre del 2023. 
    Login Information for the District's Improvement Plan./ Información para ingresar
    Username: GuestD5079
    Password:  GuestD5079
    PDF of District and Each Schools' Improvement Plan.  Please be mindful that improvement teams meet at least once per month and revisions are ongoing as each team works towards continuous improvement.
    Schools' Guest login for School Improvement Plans
    Central Elementary School
    Username:  GuestS16949
    Password:    GuestS16949
    Conway Middle School
    Username:  GuestS15422
    Password:  GuestS15422
    Gaston STEM Leadership Academy
    Username:  GuestS16950
    Password:   GuestS16950
    Northampton Early College
    Username:  GuestS17990
    Password:  GuestS17990
    Northampton High School
    Username:  GuestS16951
    Password:  GuestS16951