Student Enrollment Process

  • Students who are dedicated to graduating from high school and willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen should apply to ACES High School. Students should be willing to take academic risks and be open to doing something different to help themselves be successful. Students should be able and willing to follow reasonable requests, participate in school activities and respect the learning environment. ACES provides support for students through a Focus class that meets daily and allows students to complete homework while at school. We also have access to mental health counseling as well as a student support advocate that can connect students and families to outside resources.

    Students enrolling at ACES High School must agree to attend school daily, make academic progress and follow all behavior expectations. Students will be asked to sign a Behavior Expectations Agreement as part of the orientation process. If a student chooses not to sign the agreement, a meeting will be held with the student, family and administration to discuss alternative educational options. Students who are successful at ACES High School thrive in an academic environment that values relationships, relevance and rigor. Students are asked to meet high expectations with the provision of support for them to meet those expectations. Students are asked to contribute to an environment of learning and respect for themselves and others. If a student is not able to become a successful member of the ACES community, alternative options are available.

    1. Complete an ACES High School Application (All parts of the application must be completed to be considered)
      • Student Information
      • Family Information Sheet
      • Counselor/Administrator Recommendation
      • Updated Transcript
      • Copy of your 504/IEP if applicable
    2. Completed Application (filled out online)
      • Students are to continue attending their current school until contacted by ACES staff.
      • New district students may apply directly to ACES High School.
      • Information is requested from previous schools.
        • Information is requested from previous schools.
    3. Completed applications are reviewed by an enrollment team.
      • Attendance, conduct, transcript, current grades, current schedule, time of year, graduation year, current number of credits, etc. are all considered when reviewing applications.
      • If there is no available space based on the students' required classes, the student will be placed on a waiting list and contacted when space becomes available.

    Applications must be completed to be considered. If there are more qualified applicants than available spaces, students will be put on a wait list and contacted when space is available. If a student has an IEP (Individual Education Plan), the IEP team will meet to review the IEP and determine if ACES High School is able to provide the necessary services. If your application is approved, you will attend an orientation class that will be held during your first day of school.

    Any questions you have about the application process, please contact Liz Reynolds, Karen Wheeler, or Blake Baird at 425-366-3900.

Apply Today!

  •  There are 3 parts to the ACES Application.  Please be sure to complete all portions.  If you are not able to have the previous school complete the Counselor or Administrator Recommendation portion, please note on the form and provide us with the name of the Counselor/Administrator, the school name, phone number and email address.