• Health Screening

    All parents must complete this health screening prior to students leaving home. A daily reminder will be sent via Parent Square at 7:00AM each morning. Students who do not have their health screening complete, will not be permitted to enter their classroom until parents have been contacted (by student or school) to complete the health screen. Students will be directed to their appropriate outdoor grade level area (6th grade - amphitheater, 7th grade - 7th grade lunch area, 8th grade - 8th grade lunch area) to contact parents and await completion of healthy screening. If answered in the affirmative, please call the office and keep students at home. If “no,” then please proceed to school.

    • In the last 14 days, hasanyone in your household had close contact with someone who has or is suspected to have COVID-19?
      • Yes
      • No


    • In the last 48 hours, have you/your children experienced any of the following symptoms: Cough, Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing, Loss of Smell or Taste, Fever (100.4 F or greater), Chills, Body Ache, Headache, SoreThroat, Nausea or Vomiting, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Congestion or Runny Nose? 
      • Yes
      • No


    Students who report or show symptoms of COVID-19 should report the absence/illness to the school, list the related symptoms, and call their healthcare provider as soon as possible for further guidance and possible COVID-19 testing.  All health information given to the school remains confidential.


    Arrival and Dismissal

    Arrival and dismissal times will be the same for all students. Students will access their teacher’s classroom through their exterior classroom doors, and may not enter the building through the front or side entrances. Students will also move from class to class by using the exterior classroom doors. Our goal is to minimize the amount of students in the main hallway in order to maintain a distance of six feet and by outside as much as possible.

    • Parents may drop-off child in the drop-off/pick-up lane along Sycamore, students may walk to school, or students may use the bike racks
    • Students must report directly to their teacher’s classroom and remain on the yellow dots (wait for teachers to greet them) and masks must be worn
    • Students will report their session one teacher’s classroom by accessing their exterior classroom doors
    • In the event a student arrives at school exhibiting any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or any other communicable illness, they will not be permitted in class and will be required to return home as soon as possible
    • Direct contact at school between students, staff, families, and the community will be minimized at the beginning and end of the school day.


    Classroom Arrangements

    All classrooms have been arranged so that student work spaces are six feet apart from other students and the teacher. All desks are facing forward and there is blue tape indicating student work spaces and phyiscal distancing parameters. Additioanally, all classrooms have hand sanitizer dispensors, an air purifier, and all excess furniture has been removed.



    MERV-13 air filters have been installed on all of our HVAC units. Fresh air will be brought into the building through the HVAC system and teachers will be encouraged to keep all windows and doors open in order to maximize the flow of fresh air.  When outside air quality is poor, the system will be readjusted. In cases of very unhealthy air quality, school sites may be required to close and remote learning take place in lieu of in-person instruction. Given the need to ensure additional ventilation by opening windows and doors, students should also dress in layers in order to keep warm on cooler days.


    Breaks & Food

    All breaks will be 15 minutes in length with a five minute “warning bell” at 10 minutes, indicating students are to report to their next class (exterior number and yellow dots). Face coverings and physical distancing will be enforced. Students may remove their mask to eat their snack and/or get a drink of water, but may only do so outdoors on the marked yellow circles at seating areas across campus (tables, benches, blocks). In the event of inclement weather, students will need to dress & prepare accordingly (umbrellas, rain gear, warm clothes, etc) as all breaks will be outside (rain or shine). Assigned teachers, administrators, counselors will supervise all areas during break.


    Restroom Guidelines

    Only two students will be allowed in the restrooms at once. Signs in each of the restrooms indicate the number of students allowed in the restrooms.  When accessing the restroom, students will enter from the interior door and exit through the exterior door. All restroom breaks will be at the beginning of break, but students may use them during class as well. The hallway outside the restrooms will be monitored during breaks to ensure physical distancing, in addition to the egress and ingress of all students. Students are required to wash their hands before and after using the restroom.


    Lunch Procedures

    All students will eat lunch at home either after school or prior to coming to school depending on their assigned cohort. The school will provide a grab n’ go Choice Lunch for families. Students who order Choice Lunch, will receive lunches for the duration of the week, on Monday. Lunches will be available in the Panther Cafe on Monday and families will be notified


    Isolation Room

    If a student develops a fever of 100.4°F or higher and/or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 while at school, we will keep them under observation in our Isolation Room until they can be picked up.

    • Parents must have a plan for picking up their child at all times
    • Students must be picked up within 30 minutes. Emergency contacts will be called if the school is unable to reach a parent after 5 minutes. The student will not be permitted to wait in the Isolation Room for the rest of the school day.
    • Parents must stay in the car, call the office, and wait for the child to be escorted outside. Parents and other visitors are not allowed on campus at this time.
    • Parents should contact thechild’s healthcare provider for further direction regarding the need for testing and/or doctor evaluation and follow the school’s protocols for return to school
    • If your child, or anyone in your household, is confirmed to have COVID-19, you must contact the school as soon as possible.