• Google Classroom Policy and Procedures

    Google Classroom will be the main vehicle for the delivery of all instructional content, resources, and the housing of all assignments. Teachers will utilize Google Classroom in ways that are conducive to full distance learning, a hybrid of in-person and distance learning, or all in-person learning at the school site.  Clear guidelines and common practices have been established for the utilization of Google Classroom across grade levels and content areas, however, students will be responsible for understanding the specific policies and customizations around each teacher’s Google Classroom. 


    Teachers will...

    • Use the stream for announcements and comments only (no classwork)
    • Organize topics in “Classwork” by week, starting with “Week 1: August 20-21, Week 2: August 24-28.” There may be additional “Topics” for things like units, Resources or supplemental information.
    • Clearly communicate to students when instructional activities and assignments are due
    • Create due dates on work that will only be used on assignments and/or activities that are required to be turned in or marked as done. 
    • Include instructions for all assignments in the assignment post and not solely as separate attachments (detailed instructions can be included separately, but the steps to complete the assignment should be included in the assignment post)
    • Title assignments in Aeries the same as the assignment in Google Classroom 


    Students will...

    • Be a self-advocate and know how their teachers want questions to be asked
    • Familiarize themselves with and understand each teacher’s practices and policies 
    • Know and understand when each instructional activity and/or assignment is due
    • Check Google Classrooms and MVMS Grade Level Google Classrooms regularly 
    • Turn off all Google Classroom notifications other than notifications of private comments on individual assignments
    • Monitor, check, and respond to school email daily
    • Check Aeries for missing work and class progress

    Parents will

    • Familiarize and understand each teacher’s practices and policies
    • Guide and support children as needed
    • Know student’s MVSD Google account login and password information
    • View Google Classroom Tutorials on our webpage and/or attend live education sessions
    • Periodically check Aeries Portal (not Google Classroom) for records of missing work and class progress (grades updated every few weeks)
    • Understand that Google Classroom and Aeries are not directly linked; if there is a question about missing work, require students to show evidence of work completion in Google Classroom
    • Have students contact teachers with any questions about grades and assignments