• Computer and Internet Use Agreement for the Mill Valley School District

    Educational Computer Use and Internet Privileges

    The Marin County Office of Education and the Mill Valley School District provide educational computer accounts, allowing access to the Internet. Internet access is coordinated through a complex association of government agencies and regional and state networks. The smooth

    operation of the network depends upon the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided here so that you are aware of your responsibilities.

    In general, the smooth operation of the network requires efficient, ethical, and legal use of network resources. If a user violates any of the following terms and conditions, school computer use and Internet privileges will be revoked and future access may be denied. The Mill Valley School District computer use is governed by policies and administrative regulations established by the Board of Trustees.

    Terms and Conditions (for Educational Computer Use and Internet Privileges)
    Acceptable Use

    The use of your school computers must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of your district. Use of another organization’s network or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for that network.

    Unacceptable Use
    Transmission of material in violation of any US or state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, illegal, threatening,harassing, violent or obscene materials, and matter protected by trade secrets. Altering or removing computer files not belonging to the user, installing unlicensed software, creating links to inappropriate materials, disconnecting equipment, and vandalism of any kind are also prohibited. Use for commercial activities is not acceptable. Use for product advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited. Any transmission or reception of pornographic material is expressly prohibited and will result in the cancellation of your computer privileges.

    Privileges and Consequences
    The use of school computers and the use of the Internet are privileges, and unacceptable use will result in the cancellation of those privileges. The system administrator may revoke privileges at any time as required. The administration, faculty, and staff of any district school may request that the system administrator deny, revoke, or suspend specific user privileges and that appropriate school disciplinary action be taken. Depending on the severity of the violation (to be determined by the system administrator and/or administration), computer privileges may be revoked for an extended period of time. A student who has his/her computer privileges revoked is not allowed to use any computer at her/his school site.

    The Marin County Office of Education and the Mill Valley School District make no guarantees of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service they are providing. The Marin County Office of Education and the Mill Valley School District will not be responsible for any damages you suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from faulty software or equipment, delays, nondeliveries, misdeliveries, or service interruptions caused by their negligence or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the school computers and/or the Internet is at your own risk.

    Computer Use Rules
    •  Food and drink are not allowed in any computer area.
    •  Outside software is not permitted in any computer area; no software is to be downloaded, stored, or installed on any computer or in any computer account.
    •  Pirated software (warez) and MP3 are not to be downloaded or stored on any computer or in any user’s account.
    •  Modification or removal of computer files that are not your own is not allowed.
    • All copyright laws are to be observed. Copyrighted material is not to be placed in the system without the author’s permission.
    •  You are not to move or disconnect any computer or peripheral device or piece/part of any equipment.
    • Contact a supervisor or teacher concerning problems with any of the equipment.
    • Appropriate behavior and common courtesy are expected at all times.
    • You should not send anything to a printer unless you absolutely need a hard copy of the information; do not print Web sites without knowing exactly how many pages will be printed; do not print multiple copies of any document without specific permission.
    •  Do not read other users’ electronic mail or files, nor attempt to delete, copy, modify, or forge others’ files or email.
    •  Do not interfere with others’ ability to send or receive email.
    • Do not disseminate personal identification information about yourself or others, including personal address, social security number, and phone number.
    •  Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users.
    •  Do not use the system to encourage the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or any illegal/inappropriate activities.
    Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you can identify a security problem on the network, notify your teacher, the system administrator, or the principal. You are not permitted to use another individual’s account, and you should never allow anyone else to access your account. If, at any time, you feel that your password may have been compromised, see the system administrator immediately to have your password changed. You are responsible for all activity that occurs with your account. Attempts to login to the network as a system administrator or gain unauthorized access will result in the cancellation of your computer privileges.

    Vandalism will result in the cancellation of your computer privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to alter, harm, or destroy data of another user, computers, accessories, the Internet, or any of the above listed agencies or other networks that are connected to the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading, downloading or creation of computer viruses.

    Restitution and Consequences of Contract Violation
    Students may be suspended or subject to other disciplinary actions for violation of this contract as provided in the current school Student Handbook under the provisions of Education Code 48900 (k): disruption of school activities and willful defiance of the valid authority of the school. Students will be required to provide restitution for damages to school equipment while the student is logged into any computer.

    Duration of Agreement
    The duration of this agreement applies from the first day a student begins attending the Mill Valley School District and ends when the student leaves the Mill Valley School District. This agreement is binding in all district schools and will be included with all paperwork forwarded should a student change schools within the district.