- To increase self-confidence and self-worth in a challenging and supportive atmosphere where growth is encouraged and in which the positive is emphasized.
- To help students realistically define personal goals as each student strives to reach his/her personal best.
- To foster appreciation and respect for individual differences existing within a group.
- To develop and implement new behaviors and approaches to cope with peer and adult relationships.
- To learn increased responsibility and social maturity by practicing interdependent behaviors within a cooperative success-oriented framework
- To assess personal intellectual, emotional and behavioral strengths and weaknesses.
- To accept personal weaknesses as areas to be strengthened rather than excuses for failure.
- To define and re-define realistic goals.
- To develop and implement appropriate behavior and strategies.
- To appropriately communicate personal needs and feeling to others.
- To accept obstacles and setbacks as real events in our lives that are to be overcome as opposed to being excuses for quitting.
- To delay gratification, to focus increasingly on the consequences of behaviors and on longer-range goals.
- To monitor and critically appraise intellectual, emotional, and behavioral responses to environmental events.
- To seek help when feeling overcome rather than acting out feelings of helplessness and anger.
- To select among alternative behavioral strategies in order to reach personal goals.