• Community Resources

    Parents of students often ask me for recommendations of community-based practitioners who can provide counseling/therapy on an ongoing basis, tutors, or other resources.  Below are the names and contact information of some of the practitioners and tutors with whom other BWF families have had positive experiences.

    Private Tutors

    Below are the names and contact information for individuals, both at BWF and in the MtnBrook Schools community, who are interested in providing private tutoring services.  All tutors listed either currently or previously worked for Mountain Brook City Schools.

    Community Based Mental-Health Providers or Speech Services

    For any number of reasons, children may benefit from the services of a mental health practitioner such as a child psychologist, licensed counselor or social worker, or child psychiatrist.  These individuals provide services ranging from private evaluations, individual or family therapy, or medication management.  If your family is seeking the services of a mental health practitioner, I encourage you to first check with your insurance provider or an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through your employer to determine who might be available to your family at a reduced cost than paying out of pocket.  I am happy to review lists of providers to make recommendations of who might be a good fit for your child/family.