• Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador

    Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador

  • Guatemala flag


  • The capital of Guatemala is Ciudad de Guatemala or Guatemala City.

    The Quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala and the name of its currency. 

    Guatemala has 37 volcanoes--3 are active.

    Chocolate comes from Guatemala--it's a Mayan invention.

    The McDonald's Happy Meal was invented in Guatemala.

    Star Wars Episode IV: The New Hope was filmed in the rainforest of Guatemala.

    The Mayans recycled.

  • Honduras flag


  • The capital of Honduras is Tegucigalpa.

    Honduras has the one of the world's largest barrier reef.

    Honduras' nickname is "Banana Republic" because they produce a lot of banans.

    In Honduras it rains fish! That's right--fish actually fall from the sky!

    Honduras translates to "great depth." Christopher Columbus named Honduras after the deep waters along the coast. 


  • El Salvador

    El Salvador

  • The capital of El Salvador is San Salvador.

    El Salvador is known as the Land of Volcanoes.

    El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America. It's about the size of Massachusetts.

    Soccer is very popular in El Salvador.

    Many international suf competitions happen in El Salvador. El Salvador is home to many famous surf spots.