• SPain map

    Spain is the only country in Europe that speaks Spanish.

  • ratoncito perez  

    There is no tooth fairy in Spain! When kids in Spain lose a tooth, they put it under their pillow for a magical mouse called Ratoncito Pérez. Little Pérez collects the tooth and leaves money or a small gift in its place.

  • flag of spain

  • Spain produces a lot of olives.

    Spain has a special rest time in the middle of the day called siesta.

    siesta       king and queen

    Spain has a king and a queen.

    Flamenco dancing comes from Spain.

Spain's Timelapse


    Christopher Columbus

    Columbus clipart

    Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain gave Christopher Columbus the money to sail to the New World in 1492.

Ferdinand Read Aloud

  • toro town toro

    Bullfighting is an old sport. Today it is mostly done in Spain. The largest bullring is the Plaza México in central Mexico City, which seats 48,000 people, and La Maestranza in Seville, Spain, is the oldest bullring in the world. It was first used for bullfighting in 1765

     Soccer ball 100

    Soccer is the national sport of Spain. 

    The most traditional dish from Spain is paella (dish made of rice, seafood, meat, and vegetables).

Prepara una paella

  • Spain

    Spain is in Europe.

    Madrid is the capital of Spain.

    Spain is the country of FIESTAS.

  • World Records

    The oldest restaurant in the world, Restaurante Botín, is in Madrid Spain (1725).

    The tallest human pyramid (39 ft) high was mounted in Valls, Spain, in October 1981.

    Spain has the largest food fight in the world--La Tomatina.

    The world's largest plate of paella was prepared in Madrid Spain in 1987. It took a frying pan 36 feet wide and 11,000  pounds of rice and seafood to make it into the record books.

    Don Quixote (1605–1615) by Miguel de Cervantes is considered the world's first novel.

  • Año Nuevo Spain

    It is considered good luck to eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve.

  • Pablo picasso Mini Lesson

  • Picasso picasso self picasso self

When Pigasso Met Mootisse

Picasso Read Aloud

Picasso with the Girl in the Ponytail


    When you visit Spain, you will eat traditional foods that are popular around the world, like los churros and el chocolate caliente. But also you will eat traditional foods that are not as common outside of Spain, like la tortilla española y la paella. 

    churros tortilla española paella

Guitar and Castanets