• Uruguay

  • Uruguay is the smallest Sipanish-speaking country in South America.

    The capital of Uruguay is Montevideo.

  • World Records

    Uruguay is the first country to win the FIFA World Cup Soccer Championship. They defeated Argentina in 1930.

    Uruguay has more cows than people. There are 12 million cows in Uruguay and only 3 million people.

    Uruguay's national anthem is the longest national anthem in the world. It lasts 5 minutes.

    Uruguay has a literacy rate of 98.1% for adults, one of the highest in the world.

  • Other interesting facts

    Soccer is the national sport of Uruguay.

    Uruguay hosted the first World Cup Soccer Championship in 1930.

    El Río de la Plata is in Uruguay. This river serves as a border between Uruguay and Argentina.

    In 2009, Uruguay became the first country in the world to provide every schoolchild with a free laptop and Wi-Fi access.

    Uruguay has beautiful beaches on the coast of the Atlantic ocean.

    There is a lot of European influence in Uruguay, especially from Spain and Italy.

    Uruguay is the only country in Latin America which is entirely outside of the tropics.

    José Mujica (president from 2010-2015), donated 90% of his income to charity. He earned the nickname of the world's poorest president.

    In 2013, Uruguay was named The Economist's Country of the Year.

    Uruguay has a literacy rate of 98.1% for adults, one of the highest in the world. This is due to the country's provision of free, compulsory educaiton.

    Uruguay's motto is Libertad o Muerte, maning Liberty or Death.


Paraguay vs Uruguay

7 facts about Uruguay