• Venezuela

  • Christopher Columbus discovered Venezuela in 1498.

    The capital of Venezuela is Caracas.

  • World Records

    Angel Falls, the tallest waterfall in the world, is in Venezuela.

    The Andes Mountains pass through Venezuela. The Andes Mountain jRange is the longest mountain range in the world.

    Venezuela has the largest proven crude oil reserves in the world--18% of all global oil reserves. At its current production rate, Venezuela's reserves can last more 200 years.


  • Other interesting facts

    Margarita Island, an island that belongs to Venezuela, is famous for their pearls.

    Baseball is Venezuela's most popular sport.

    The waterfall in the Disney movie Up is supposed to be Angel Falls. In the movie it is called Paradise Falls.

    Jimmy Angel discovered Angel Falls in 1933. Jimmy was an American pilot. The falls were named after him.

    Simón Bolívar, known as "the liberator", is from Venezuela. The country Bolivia was named after him.

    Venezuela has 23 states and 5 main zones or regions.

    Part of the Amazon Rainforest is in Venezuela.

    Venezuela has a large orchid diversity--at least 331 species. They belong to the family of the orchid Epidendroideae, which represent one of the most rare species of orchids in the world.

    Venezuela produces coffee, sugar and a variety of fruit.

    Venezuela is known for its mines of copper (cobre), gold (oro), and diamonds (diamantes).