• StudentsSTOP. Before clicking the link to take the survey, wait for your teacher to read following with you. 

    Teachers: Please read to your classroom prior to starting the Bright Bytes’ survey.

    "Today you will be taking the student Bright Bytes survey.  This survey helps us make important decisions about technology use.  We would like your honest opinions. Before you begin there are some words that may or may not be new to you:

    • Via: a way to get there. Example: I can get to the internet via a Chromebook.
    • Spreadsheet: rows and columns to organize numbers. Example: I use Google Sheets to collect data. I use Build-A-Graph.com to make a graph online.
    • ePortfolio: a digital way to keep your best work. Example: Seesaw.
    • Wifi: a way to connect to the internet wirelessly. Example: our school Chromebooks connect to the internet using school wifi. At home, you may have a wireless router to which your devices connect.
    • Cellular: a way to connect to the internet over wireless phone service. Example: a cell phone or a hot spot at home is connected over cellular connection.
    • Bluetooth: short-range wireless connection between devices. Example: you could connect your cell phone to a speaker in your house to hear music.
    • Multimedia: contains some form of animation, video, music, voice recording. Examples: WeVideo, Google Slides, Seesaw, iMovie
    • Create Online Model, Simulation, Animation: chatterpix, tinkercad, 3DBear, Cospaces, Google Drawings, Adobe Spark, StopMotion

    Let’s think about all the ways we collaborate/work together online.  Who can share ways you work with me online? Or work with other students online? What software do we use? Do we ever do work for school on computers from home? How do we learn about good digital citizenship? (Generate ideas as a class for just 2 minutes-- possible ideas: Google Docs, eDays, Canvas, Google Classroom, FlipGrid, Seesaw, Common Sense Media …)

    The survey you are about to take is called the Middle School Survey even though you are in elementary. You will be prompted to select your grade at the end of the survey. This survey will take 30-40 minutes. I can't tell you the answers, but I can clarify questions for you.

    We will complete this survey together.  I will read the question aloud, and you will mark your answer. Then we will move to the next question."


    Let's click here to begin the survey.