    Welcome to the Counselor's Corner

  • counselors picture

    Liz Fry

    Leah Treadwell

  • COUGAR STRONG....From the office of your School Counselor

    Dear Crestline Families,

    We have enjoyed getting to know your children thus far. This year Mrs. Treadwell will see kindergarten and 1st grades, Mrs. Fry will see 2nd and 3rd grades, and we will split 4th through 6th grades. We absolutely love working with your children and hope they understand our role as the school counselors here at Crestline.

    In class, we discuss a variety of topics that cover the three domains of social, emotional/personal, and career exploration.  In class, we also promote our character education program, bully prevention program and teach communication skills, conflict resolution, and personal safety skills.

    While school counselors do not provide therapy or ongoing counseling services, we serve as the "band-aid" at school to help your children get through the day from 8:00 - 3:00.  We do meet with children for short-term individual or small group counseling time as needed. Mrs. Fry also coordinates our state testing, community outreach with Brookville Elementary, and manages 504 student plans.  Mrs. Treadwell coordinates our Student Council and manages 504 plans as well.

    Our philosophy is that a child's trust is something to be earned. As a school counselor, we have the opportunity to skillfully listen to children and to facilitate meaningful conversation.  We believe every child has a story and has something to share and contribute.  We believe in empowering children through the use of games, stories, art, and role play.

    Again, it is a pleasure to work with each one of your children.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.


    Liz Fry and Leah Treadwell

    Crestline Elementary School Counselors