

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Leah Fenton Treadwell

Hello Crestline Family,
 My name is Leah Treadwell and I serve as one of the school counselors at Crestline.  I also facilitate the Crestline Student Support Team and manage the 504 plans. This is my 17th year as an educator and my 16th year as a school counselor. 
I absolutely love my job and consider school counseling a true passion. My philosophy is that a child's trust is something to be earned. As a school counselor, I have the opportunity to skillfully listen to children and facilitate meaningful conversations. I believe every child has a story and has something to share and contribute. I believe in empowering children through the use of games, stories, art and role-play. 
I see students every week in large group counseling class. We discuss a variety of topics that cover the three domains of social, emotional and career exploration. In class, we also promote our character education program, anti-bully prevention program and teach conflict resolution skills. 
Although, I consider Birmingham, "home" as a child I lived in Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and Alabama. I graduated from Samford University with a degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. My first job in education was teaching kindergarten in Texas. I then earned my Master's in School Counseling at The University of Alabama. School counseling and helping children and families grow stronger is my true passion. 
I am married to my husband, Chip Treadwell and we have two sons, Jackson and Fenton. 
If you ever want to talk, brainstorm or schedule a conference, please feel free to contact me. I am available and enjoy serving the families of Crestline. You are welcome to call me at (205) 871-8126 or email me at
It is a privilege to work with your children each day,
Leah Fenton Treadwell