Santa Fe School PTSO Bylaws

  • Name
    a. The Santa Fe Parent Teacher Organization (P.T.O.) changed its name to the Santa Fe
    Parent Teacher Student Organization (P.T.S.O.) in September 2000.
    II. Objective
    a. The purpose of the Santa Fe P.T.S.O. is stated in the following objects:
    i. To promote and contribute to the welfare of children and youth in the home,
    school and community.
    ii. To promote a positive atmosphere of respect, effort and cooperation
    iii. To enhance school spirit and create a bond between the schools and the
    community, young and old.
    iv. To aid in communication between the home and the school, by fostering a
    working relationship in partnership with teachers, staff, parents and students.
    III. Membership
    a. Membership is open to all parents, grandparents, students, community members,
    teachers and staff of the school. Dues to join the Santa Fe P.T.S.O. were waived via a
    majority vote in both the March 2016 and May 2016 meeting. This was passed with the
    hope of eliminating any financial burden membership dues may cause, and to ignite
    program involvement. However, membership should be documented with a renewal
    form each year. Additionally, while dues are not necessary for membership a
    “Contributions welcome” clause should be stated on each membership form to promote
    donations from families and/or individuals who would like to further support such.
    IV. Officers and Duties
    a. Titles
    i. The offices of the Santa Fe P.T.S.O. will consist of a President, Vice President,
    Secretary and Treasurer. The officers will consist of one faculty/staff members
    (when possible) and three parents.
    b. Terms
    i. An officer can only serve two consecutive terms in one office. At the end of an
    officer’s first year, a nominating committee will determine whether or not the
    current officer(s) will be retained (See Nominating Procedure Article IV, Section
    D). A term is one year.
    c. Duties
    i. The Santa Fe P.T.S.O. officers will chair one committee during his/her term(s).
    All officers will assume additional responsibilities as needed.
    1. President
    a. The President presides over the regular and special called
    2. Vice President
    a. The Vice President assists the President. He/She assumes the
    role of President at the meetings in the absence of the
    3. Secretary
    a. The Secretary is responsible for obtaining Central Office
    approval on all events or fundraisers two to three weeks prior
    to the occasion. He/She is also responsible for keeping the
    minutes of the meetings.
    4. Treasurer
    a. The Treasurer must be a parent of the school. He/She is
    responsible for keeping the financial records of the Santa Fe
    P.T.S.O. and reporting the balance and expenditures to the
    membership. The Treasurer files reconciliation forms with the
    Central Office following fundraisers and approved events.
    5. Staff Representative(s)
    d. Nominating Procedure
    i. In March, a nominating committee will be formed to decide upon the officers
    for the upcoming school year. The committee will consist of two or three parent
    volunteers and two or three faculty/staff volunteers. The volunteers will be
    obtained at the March meeting. The committee will then decide whom to elect,
    and/or whether or not to retain first year officers for another year. Findings will
    be shared with the membership at the April meeting; should it take place.
    However, should the April meeting not take place, as is possible due to the
    amended by-laws which changed meeting schedule from monthly to quarterly,
    it will be acceptable to inform members via all means of electronic
    communication possible including but not limited to e-mail and/or social media
    platforms. Nominated persons will be voted upon at the last meeting of the
    school year which is typically held in May.
    e. Installation of Officers
    i. Officers will be installed at the May meeting. They will assume their positions
    and responsibilities at this time.
    f. Vacancies
    i. The Executive Board will appoint interim replacements for any vacated
    positions. These appointments will stay in place until the next scheduled
    V. The Executive Board
    i. The Santa Fe P.T.S.O. Executive Board will consist of the President, Vice
    President, Secretary, Treasurer, Staff Representative(s), President Preterm,
    School’s Principal, and a student (if available).
    VI. Committees
    a. Committees will be established and filled at the August meeting. Members will be
    obtained by appointment and on a volunteer basis. The following are standing
    committees; however, the Executive Board has the authority to establish other
    committees based on necessity.
    i. Program
    1. The Program committee is responsible for obtaining classes,
    organizations, and/or members to conduct a program at each of the
    regular meetings.
    ii. Middle School Dance
    1. The Middle School Dance committee is responsible for conducting the
    Middle School Dance. This includes planning the event, setup and
    cleanup prior and post the event, and obtaining volunteers to run the
    event and help with refreshments.
    iii. Fall Festival
    1. The Fall Festival committee is responsible for conducting the Fall
    Festival. This includes planning the event, setup and cleanup prior and
    post the event, and obtaining volunteers to run the event.
    iv. Spring Event - Fun Run/Spring Roundup
    1. The Spring Event committee is responsible for conducting the Fun
    Run/Spring Roundup in the spring. This includes obtaining business
    sponsorships prior to the event; t-shirt sales; setup and cleanup of the
    event; and running the event.
    v. Refreshment
    1. The Refreshment committee is responsible for providing for and/or
    serving at Santa Fe P.T.S.O. receptions.
    vi. Publicity
    1. The Publicity committee is responsible for keeping the membership
    informed of meetings and other events sponsored by the Santa Fe
    vii. Membership
    1. The Membership committee is responsible for encouraging and
    informing the parents, grandparents, community members, students,
    faculty and staff to join the Santa Fe P.T.S.O.
    viii. Project Committee
    1. The Project committee is responsible for assessing the needs of the
    school. They select and prioritize projects needed to meet the objects of
    the Santa Fe P.T.S.O. The school’s principal or vice principal will serve on
    this committee.
    VII. Membership Meetings
    a. Regular Meetings
    i. The Santa Fe P.T.S.O. will meet quarterly throughout the school year. Dates will
    be posted on the school website.
    b. Special Meetings
    i. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Board or
    c. Order of Business
    i. The Executive Board will prepare the agenda for the meetings. Agendas will
    either be given out or posted at the beginning of each meeting. The meeting
    shall be brought to order with prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The
    secretary will read the Minutes from the last meeting, followed by the
    Treasurer’s report, with any corrections to be addressed. Thereafter, new
    business should be discussed. All of the following must be approved with an
    affirmative motion, to which must then be seconded, followed with a count of
    all in favor and those opposed: Secretary’s Minutes from the last meeting;
    Treasurer’s Report; all financial expenditures outside of those defined by
    ongoing obligations or fundraisers according to the bylaws; and any change of
    business and/or nature that would require the membership vote. Also, the
    Executive Board reserves the right to either allow, or deny, an open discussion
    questions and/or comments forum at the end of the meeting for member
    engagement. Executive Board reserves the right to change the order of the
    meetings if deemed necessary. Additionally, the room count will be taken as
    parents, students, grandparents, staff, and other members enter the meeting.
    All parents, students, grandparents, and teachers will be counted for room
    count. The classroom teachers will be given twenty-five cents for every person
    attending the meeting and three dollars if they are a division winner. Teachers
    must be either present or absent due to a Santa Fe School job related duty to
    win the three dollars for room count. The divisions are set up as follows:
    elementary – grades preschool through five; middle school – grades six through
    eight; high school – grades nine through twelve.
    d. Agenda for Meetings
    i. The Executive Board will prepare an agenda prior to each regular meeting.
    VIII. Standing Rules and Procedures
    a. Ongoing Commitments
    i. Financial Obligations
    1. The Santa Fe P.T.S.O. will fund the following projects with the
    stipulation of fund availability. All other expenditures must have the
    approval of the majority of the membership in attendance at the regular
    or special called Santa Fe P.T.S.O. meeting.
    a. Refreshments at Meetings
    b. Girls and Boys State Representative
    c. Graduation Flowers and Reception
    d. Piano Tunings (not to exceed two per year)
    e. D.A.R.E Jackets
    b. Recognition of School Personnel
    i. Teacher Appreciation
    1. The Santa Fe P.T.S.O. will recognize teachers and staff during National
    Teacher Appreciation Week.
    c. Fundraisers
    i. The Santa Fe P.T.S.O. will conduct the following fundraisers. All other
    fundraisers must have approval of the membership before occurring.
    1. Fall Festival
    2. Spring Event - Fun Run or Spring Roundup
    3. Middle School Dance
    4. Local Restaurant Dining Night(s)
    d. Amendments
    i. The bylaws may be amended or revised at Regular Membership meeting(s) by a
    majority vote of the membership present, provided:
    1. The proposed change(s) was reviewed and recommended by the
    Executive Board.
    2. The proposed change(s) has been posted for review by the membership
    two weeks prior to the meeting to adopt. (Copies of the proposed
    changes will be available for review in the school office, the Santa Fe
    PTSO’s Facebook page, as well as the school’s website).
    3. The proposed change(s) was voted affirmatively via majority vote at two
    consecutive Regular Membership meetings. If the proposed change
    does not receive majority vote at both meetings it shall not amend.