Maury County Public Schools
Strategic Plan Surveys
During the fall of 2017, the Maury County Public Schools Board embarked on creating a five-year plan using district and community feedback. As a result of that plan, approved by the Board in December 2017, the need to survey students, families, staff, and the community rose to the surface. If you would take a few minutes of your time, we welcome your feedback and submissions to the surveys listed below!
The rationale from the strategic plan: students, faculty, and staff will be clear about what is expected of them and will be accountable to one another and the community.
Goal: Identify and implement a transparent, best-practice based system of evaluation of the School Board by Superintendent, faculty/staff, as well as the community.
This survey will be open each April and May for feedback and is in line with the School Board’s own annual self-evaluation.
School Board Evaluation (opens March 2024)
The rationale from the strategic plan: students will see the value we place on creativity and will develop their creativity. Learning will improve due to new ideas being implemented.
Goal: Identify and develop a system, process, and procedures that encourages improvement ideas from students, faculty, staff, and the community by January 2018.
We are interested in YOUR creative ideas to make Maury County Public Schools a better place for students, families, staff, and the community! The submission for creative ideas will be open all year. If your idea is selected for implementation, we would like to reward you for your submission. Adding your name and contact information is not required, but is necessary for recognition. Please come back frequently and add more ideas!
Creative Ideas Submissions
Safe and Nurturing Environments
The rationale from the strategic plan: buildings and environments will be conducive to learning/teaching and will be welcoming to students, their families, and faculty/staff.
Goal: Student, staff, and family surveys have been developed to report safety at a minimum standard, including feedback on disciplinary actions such as suspensions, etc., to establish a baseline of students and family perspectives.
We are interested in YOUR feedback on safety in our schools. These surveys will be open each April and May for feedback. The results of the surveys will be made public on the MCPS website, each July.
Please select the survey below that best applies to you:
Student Survey
Parent Survey
All MCPS Staff Survey