Baker Elementary School Supply List by Grade Level

  • Supply Lists Graphic


    2 boxes of Crayola crayons (24 ct, skinny)
    4 large glue sticks (Elmer's 0.77 oz)
    1 plastic folder with 3 prongs and pockets
    1 composition book
    1 pack of 4 Expo dry erase markers
    1 backpack (no wheels)
    1 pair of scissors (Fiskars preferred)
    1 pack of #2 (Ticonderoga) pencils
    1 box of tissues
    1 plastic school supply box
    1 12oz bottle of hand sanitizer
    1 complete change of clothing in a Ziplock bag
    1 pack of white copy paper



  • 1st Grade

    1 backpack (no wheels)
    2 box of 24 crayons
    2 packages #2 pencils (Ticonderoga)
    1 pair of scissors (Fiskars preferred)
    6 Elmers glue sticks
    1 pack of washable markers
    1 pack of black Expo dry erase markers
    1 plastic folder with 3 prongs and pockets
    2 composition books
    1 plastic school supply box
    2 boxes of tissues
    Lysol or Clorox wipes
    1 bottle of white glue
    1 pack of fluorescent index cards 

    2nd Grade

    2nd grade supply list for 2022-2023
    2 plastic pocket folders with prongs (any color)
    2 packs of # 2 Ticonderoga brand pencils
    1 pair Fiskar blunt tip scissors 5inch
    4 Elmers glue sticks
    2 boxes of 24 Crayola Crayons
    1 pack of white copy paper
    Supply box
    Cap erasers
    1 wide composition book (no spiral rings)
    1 pk Crayola washable classic markers (10 count)
    2 boxes of Tissues
    1 bottle germ-x
    Personal headphones for computer use (label with child's name)
    Backpack (no rolling wheels)
    Wishlist: character/decorative bandaids; ziplock bags

  • 3rd  Grade

    3 packs - Number 2 Ticonderoga pencils
    2  boxes - Crayola crayons
    2 packs - Colored pencils
    2 pack of 4 - Expo low odor black chisel dry erase marker
    3 packs of 4 - Elmers small purple washable glue stick
    1 pair - Fiskars 5-inch blunt scissors
    3 Wide ruled composition notebook
    2 packs - 20 sheet protectors
    1 Three Ring Zippered Binder
    2-plastic pocket folders
    2 pack - Yellow highlighter
    2 box - Tissue
    Nylon pencil bag with grommets
    1 - Copy paper ream
    1 - Backpack

    4th  Grade

    2 packs #2 Ticonderoga pencil
    2 packs of Crayola Crayons 
    Colored pencils
    Fiskars 5-inch scissors
    2 packs of glue stick
    2 Pocket folders
    5 Composition books
    Pack of highlighters
    Pack of dry erase marker
    Hand sanitizer
    Zipper Pouch
    Disinfecting wipes