
  • WMS Library Media Center
    Amber Skelton: Teacher - Librarian 
    Sherrie Kennedy: Library Assistant 
    Library Hours: 7:15-3:00
    Follow me on Twitter: @teachplease

    The WMS library is named in honor of Mr. Charles Black, a former beloved principal. The library is the “hub” of our school. All students have access to our library and the bookstore, which is located outside the library. Our students have access to books, reference materials, and computers. Each grade comes to the library on a regular basis to check out books. Classes also come to the library throughout the year for research and media lessons.

    Visit our OPAC to see what resources are available for check out.


    The library is:

    • A place where you can read, study, and research information
    • A place to find and check out books to read
    • A service, information, and reading center for students and teachers
    • A resource center for technology.

    library books

    "Reading is the window to our world"

    Research Tools

    Tennessee Electronic Library Free Access to great resources for Tennesseans 

    Awesome Library Organizing the web for you with 37,000 carefully reviewed resources