• Heritage Elementary School
    School Community Council

    Wednesday, March 8, 2023

    In attendance: Lance Robins, Andrea Linton, Kendal Welker,
    Sara Anderson, Ali Olsen, Melisa Richardson, Maria Jones

    I. Welcome
    II. Review the minutes from the last meeting
    III. Approve minutes
    Motion to approve: Ali Olsen second: Sara Anderson
    IV. Trust Lands spent to date

    Total Distribution for 2021-22: 107,416.78
    Spent to Date: 100,747.98
    Amount Left: 6,669.02
    Percent Remaining: 6.21%
    A. We will probably have 1-5% left at the end of the year, and we will try to spend it
    so that it impacts the students this year.

    V. School plan for 2022-2023
    A. The council reviewed the final funding proposal for next year.
    B. The final proposal includes the following:
    a. Salaries and benefits ($44,264 will be used for reading
    paraprofessionals, $16,000 will be used for Amity Interns, and $11,000
    will be used for other aide support): $71,264.47
    b. Software (will be used for Reading Counts software and Reading
    Inventory licenses): $2,923.00
    c. Technology related supplies ($10,000 will be used to purchase 10
    computers, and $21,600 will be used to purchase 60 Chromebooks):
    d. Books, Ebooks, online curriculum/subscriptions (will be used to buy
    supplies for the library to match the JMW grant): $1,200.00

    e. Total: $106,987.47
    C. Next year, we may be able to match the JMW grant with Book Fair money.
    D. We will add funds to any of these categories if we receive more money. The
    amount of money that we get is based on the number of students, and we have
    had a drop in students.
    E. The council voted on and unanimously approved the plan.
    F. This funding, TSSA funding, and some COVID funding has been very beneficial
    for us. Our technology seems to be where it needs to be. Every classroom in 3 -
    6 grade has their own mobile computer cart. Shalayne Merrill has done a great
    job ensuring the students have what they need. The library also has a computer
    cart from a grant. We will rotate and update the technology in the future.
    G. The council will sign the plan via a link that will be sent out tomorrow.
    H. We are ahead of the game because this plan isn’t due for about another month,
    but getting this done early gives us leeway if there is a problem. If anyone at
    Heritage or in the community has a concern, community council meetings are a
    great place to come and discuss it.
    I. We will have a meeting on April 12th.
    J. In May, we may meet and discuss memberships for next year. The community
    council will be advertised on back-to-school night next year. It is a big

    VI. Motion to Close Meeting Ali Olsen Second Andrea Linton