• Heritage Elementary School

    School Community Council


    Tuesday, October 18, 2022


    In attendance: Kendal Welker, Ali Olsen, Maria Jones, Sara Anderson, Andrea Linton, Melisa Richardson


    1. Welcome to Heritage Community Council

    2. Approve last meeting’s minutes

      1. Motion to approve 

    First: Ali Olsen; Second: Sara Anderson

    1. Review this year’s membership

      1. Kendal Welker (Chair)

      2. Ali Olsen (Vice Chair) 

      3. Andrea Linton (Parent)

      4. Ysabel Segovia (Parent)

      5. Sara Anderson (Parent)

      6. Melisa Richardson (Parent)

      7. Maria Jones (Teacher)

      8. Lance Robins (Principal)


    1. School website up and running

    1. Contact person for website issues: Shalayne Merrill

    2. https://www.ccsdut.org/heritage


    V. Safety week is October 24 - 28 (Maria Jones discussed activities)

    1. Monday - Drug Free Day

      1. Theme: I “mustache” you not to do drugs

      2. Mustaches will be passed out

      3. Students encouraged to wear red

    2. Tuesday - Students encouraged to walk or ride their bike to school

      1. Students wear green

      2. Safety officers, a fire truck, and ambulance will be out front

      3. Green ribbons or slap bracelets will be passed out

    3. Wednesday - Mental health

      1. Dancing, yoga, art, gratitude journal stations at recess

    4. Thursday - Kindness/bullying

      1. Mr. Mallory will speak to each classroom

      2. Students will be encouraged to complete the “10 Acts of Kindness” in the safety packet to win a class ice cream party. This packet will be sent home.

    5. Friday - Internet safety

      1. “Don’t get in ‘hairy’ situations on the internet”

      2. Crazy hair and/or crazy sock day

      3. Mrs. Merrill will discuss internet safety with students


    VI. School Land Trust reports

    1. Due October 20, 2022

    2. Principal Assurance has been completed

    3. Council Membership has been completed

    4. All reports will be listed on the school website

    5. Additional report information is available at the School Land Trust website


    VII. Front entry doors

    1. The doors have been locked all school year

    2. We are still working on installing a camera


    VIII. School Land Trust budget year to date

    1. Roll-over funds: $2,693.22

    2. Allocation: $104,723.56

    3. Total budget: $ 107,416.78

    4. Amount used: $20,095.26

    5. Amount left: $87,321.52

    6. Percent remaining: 81.29%


    IX. School information

    1. Information is delivered through the PTA newsletter, the school website, and weekly emails.

    2. Halloween

      1. Students will be encouraged to dress up as their favorite book characters. Students are required to follow the dress code.

      2. No masks, no weapons, no glitter


    X. School Grade

    1. Heritage received an A grade (exemplary)

    2. Only three schools in the district have an A grade

    3. Grades are determined by achievement, growth, English learner progress, and early literacy

    4. We had a lot of growth in English learner progress from past years


    XI. Safe Routes Utah (replacing SNAP, Student Neighborhood Access Program) 

    1. For updated information about routes to help students get to and from school safely, please see the Safe Routes Utah website.

    2. Heritage and Nibley City have worked together to solve problems that were happening with pickup in the back of the school


    XII.  Other items

    1. Next meeting will be held on 11/9/22 at 4 pm

    2. There were questions about the rules with checking out books (if students are required to check out books, if they need to be at the student’s level). We made a note to find out and discuss in future. Melisa suggested that the specialists come to meetings and discuss their procedures.

    XIII. Thanks for Attending

    1. Motion to Ali Olsen Close 2nd Andrea Linton