Greenville Back to School

Principal's Letter:

  • Welcome back to school! I am so excited to be starting another year at Greenville! For those of you who are new to the school, let me take a quick minute to introduce myself. My name is Stephanie Adams, and I have been a principal in this school district for the past 10 years, and I LOVE my job! This is my second year at Greenville. I grew up in the Rose Park area of Salt Lake City and moved to Logan for school where I met my husband. My husband and I live on the south end of the valley and we have kids in elementary, middle and high school. We love taking time to enjoy the outdoors and playing board and card games as a family when we are indoors. We have 2 dogs, 2 turtles, and a fish who always naps floating upside down. (He’s done this for over a year now and always wakes up for feeding time.) When I am not working or hanging out with my family, you can find me in the mountains, on a long walk through the fields, or curled up with a good book. I am excited to see all of our students and families from last year and to get to know all of our new families who are joining us this year. If you ever need anything, please feel free to reach out.

    As we gear up for the start of a new school year please review the following checklist and documents attached to this email before back to school night. See you all soon!
    ~Principal Adams

Dates to Remember

  • August 23 - Student Open House  1:00- 3:00pm
    August 24 - First Day of School (grades 1-6)
    August 28 - Acadience Testing
    August 28 - Parent Back to School Night  6:00- 7:30pm
    August 30 - First Day of Kindergarten
    September 4 - Labor Day (No school)
    September 21 - Picture Day
    September 22 - District Professional Development Day (No school)
    October 5-6 -  Parent Teacher Conferences
    October 12-13 - Fall Break

Office Hours 2023

  • May 30 - June 8    9:00am - 3:00pm

    June 9 - Aug. 2    Closed for Summer

    Aug. 3 - Aug. 7     9:00am - 3:00pm

    Aug. 8 - School Hours
         8:30am - 3:30pm


    School Security:  All exterior school doors will be locked during school hours and all visitors must check in at the video doorbell. Photo ID will be required for all parents and students who do not attend Greenville to enter the building each time to come to the school.

    Title I School Status: Last year we were 1% away from making the cut as a Title 1 school. We must qualify for 2 years in a row in order for our school to be able to start gaining access to this funding that would be a HUGE benefit to our students and school programs. We want ALL families to apply for free or reduced lunch this year to see if we can get our first qualifying year.

School Info:

  • School Hours K-6
      9:00 a.m.-3:35 p.m. 
    (9:00 a.m. first bell)
          F  9:00 a.m.-2:20 p.m.

    In the interest of safety, please do not drop your children off before 8:40 AM, as there is no supervision before that time. Also, please be on time picking up children after school.  Students should be picked up from school by 3:45 on Monday-Thursday and by 2:30 on Friday.

    Kindergarten will be full day for all students. Students opting out of All-Day Kindergarten will be dismissed at 12:10 M-F.
    Morning   M-Th 9:05-11:45
    Afternoon   M-Th 1:00-3:35

    The First Day of School will be Thursday, August 24, for students in 1st through 6th grades.
    For children new to the school, check with friends in your neighborhood to identify a designated bus stop. Bus information will also be in the Herald Journal and in the front entrance of the school.  

    Kindergarten students who have registered will be placed with a teacher by Friday, August 25th. The class lists will be posted on the front doors with classroom assignments. The First Day of Kindergarten is Wednesday, August 30. 

    Each grade's suggested
    school supply list is posted on our school’s website:

    Arrival Time:

    The first bell rings at 9:00 AM. Our school day will begin at 9:05 AM every day and end at 3:35 PM Monday-Thursday and end at 2:20 PM on Fridays.

    Please be sure to have your child/children here on time. Students who are consistently tardy are at a clear disadvantage and usually arrive feeling frantic and unprepared. All students who arrive after 9:10 AM (tardy) must sign in at the office. If your child is going to be absent, please call and inform our school office at 435-750-7888. Please help them be successful by having them in attendance as much as possible. In the interest of safety, please do not drop your children off before 8:40, as there is no supervision before that time. 

    Back to School Night (Parents Only): Monday, August 28th from 6:00 PM

    We will meet together in the gym to go over school and PTA needs and you will be dismissed to visit classrooms. We will have three 15 minute sessions for you to be able to meet each of your children's teachers. The PTA will also have a table set up during the open house so you can sign up for the events you are willing to help with.

    Class Placement: Class placements were given in the spring to all students who attended school at Greenville in the 2022-2023 school year. All new students will be placed and contacted prior to August 23rd. All class placements that have been given are final and will not be changed.

    School Notifications: Please log in to powerschool to ensure you can access school information for each of your children. We also need everyone to go in and update all of your contact information as well as emergency contacts. Powerschool Parent Login

    MWSA Orchestra: For those students who are interested in participating in the orchestra, you can go to their website for start dates and general information.

  • Bus Schedules: Bus schedules are available online: CCSD Bus Schedules and Stops  Please be advised that the schedules change during the summer and are not finalized until the week before school starts.

    Drop off and Pick up: Please review the Pick Up/Drop Off map and procedures before the first day. Remember that we need everyone to stay in the pick up line--no leapfrogging-when a car has loaded, they will pull out and everyone behind them will move forward. Pick up takes less than 10 minutes each day if we all do this.

    Circle Drive: This area is for students who are prepared to immediately exit/enter the vehicle.  The entrance is on 400 East.  Keep the line moving by pulling as far forward as possible.  For their safety, students should exit/enter from the passenger side only.  Drivers do not exit vehicles in this zone.  Parents exit onto 2500 North with a right turn only.

    Parking Lots: Designated parking lots are on the west of the school and northwest of the circle drive.  These parking lots are for parents/caretakers to park, exit the vehicle, and assist their child to the school.  Do not stop or exit the vehicle in the middle of a parking lot.  Students in these areas must be accompanied by an adult until they are safely away from cars.

    2500 North: Buses drop off and pick up along 2500 North.  Please leave this area clear for buses.  North Park police have requested that students do not cross the busy streets by our school unassisted by an adult.  Students wishing to cross these streets should use the assistance of the crossing guards.  

    Meal Prices and Menus: 

    Lunch Prices: $2.05 Student/child.
    (as of Aug. '19)    $ .35 milk
                            $3.65 Adult

    Breakfast Prices: $1.40  Student/child

    Breakfast is served from 8:40-9:00 AM.  If you would like to join your student(s) for lunch, an adult ticket can be purchased at the office for $3.50. 

    Lunch menus will be sent home monthly and can also be accessed on our school website by clicking on the lunch menu icon under Quick Links or under What's Happening at Greenville Elementary setion. click the article titled What's For Lunch?

    If you need financial assistance we strongly encourage everyone to apply for free or reduced lunch on the district website. Free/Reduced Lunch Application.

    School Newsletter:
    Our newsletter is the Dragon’s Nest and lets you know what’s happening at Greenville Elementary.  Most communication from school will be by email in order to save money, resources, and time.

    PTA Information:
    PTA information will be sent home with your child on the first day of school.  Most of the information from this packet will also be available on the district website

    Community Council:
    Greenville Community Council has some available positions. This is a great way to have some input on happenings at our school.  To find out more about Community Council and how to participate, check out Greenville's Community Council page.

  • Dress Code: A copy of the school dress code can be found on the district website or at this link. Dress Code This is a district policy and is standard for all Cache County Schools. Below is a summary of that policy. The Cache County School District has established the following guidelines to aid parents and students in selecting proper school attire:
    1. Students should be clean and well groomed (hair, clothes, cosmetics). If safety is a factor, more stringent standards may be applied.
    2. Shoes or sandals must be worn at all times while on campus.
    3. Except for religious or medical purposes, hats, caps, and other head coverings shall not be worn or displayed inside school facilities during school hours.
    4. Clothes shall sufficiently cover undergarments at all times.
    5. See-through or net fabrics, halter-tops, off-the shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs, and muscle shirts (sleeveless/bare midriff shirts) are prohibited.
    6. Shorts and skirts should be worn nearer the knee.
    7. Clothing, jewelry, personal items (backpacks/bags, binders, bandanas, etc.), and skin shall be free of writing, pictures, symbols, insignia, or color combinations which:
    a. Communicate crude, profane, or sexually suggestive messages
    b. Displays drug, alcohol, or tobacco advertising, promotion, or likenesses
    c. Advocate racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice
    d. Represent or give evidence to gang membership or affiliation

    Cell Phones & Smart Watches: Cell phones must be powered off and put away while students are at school. If cell phones are out during the school day students will be warned and asked to power it off and put it in a backpack. If it occurs again, it will be taken from the student and must be collected from the oce at the end of the school day. Additional incidents will require a parent to come and retrieve the phone.

    Smart Watches may be worn as long as they do not become a distraction and are not being used inappropriately.

    All communication from parents to students or teachers during the school day must be done through the school phone line.

    Animals/pets at school: Dogs, cats and all other animals/pets are not allowed in the school at any time. If a student or parent has a legal service animal, you need to notify the oce prior to attending so the principal can work with you to make accommodations for you and/or your student.

    Health Protocol
    Please review the school district health protocol, and remember that when a child is ill they are not able to return to school until 24 hours have passed with them being symptom free. If your child needs a health care plan or medication administered at the school please fill out the appropriate forms at this link: Health Care Forms and bring them back to the school as soon as possible. Medical services can not begin until we have the proper documentation

    School lunch menus, calendar, and other information can always be found on this website

  • Help Needed in the School: We have a need to fill these job openings in the following areas:

    Reading Aides: This position would have you working in small reading groups throughout the day. Your groups would range from 2-6 students, and you will be trained in the district direct instruction reading programs. Hours for the different positions range from 12-16 hours a week. The beginning pay rate is $14.25/hr. Please contact me via email at You will also need to submit an application on the school district website.

    Special Education Paras: We are in need of additional special education paras. These positions range from small group instruction to individual student behavior support. You will be trained on how to teach the different programs and how to work with students on behavior interventions and support. The hours for these positions range from 12-25 hours per week. If interested please apply on the district website and contact Melissa Porter and Brandi Richens with any questions you may have. and

    Substitute Reading and Resource Aides: This is a great opportunity that gives you the freedom to work when you want. Reading aides work with students in dierent grades in a small group reading environment. Training on using the reading program will be provided. Resource aides work in small groups teaching reading and math throughout the day. Materials and lesson plans will be provided by the teacher. If you are interested please contact Melissa Giddings at:

    Specialist Substitutes:  In this position you would sub for our prep teachers in the areas of art, music, PE, or in the media center. You would meet with six classes during the day and cover the material prepared for you by the regular teacher. It is a position where you could say yes when you want to work, and no when you don’t, giving you a lot of flexibility. If interested, please contact Principal Adams at: