map of Greenville Elementary with parking lots

Greenville Elementary Pick-Up and Drop-Off Plan:

  • As teachers, staff and parents of Greenville Elementary students, our PRIORITY is the SAFETY of all students and people.  We are continually reviewing the drop-off and pick-up procedures, and have identified necessary changes to encourage and ensure the safety of all of our students.  SAFETY is our number one priority!


    Drop off/Pick up Procedures: (Updated March 2924)

    Front Drive:

    1. All students MUST exit unassisted on the passenger side.
    2. Drivers must pull all the way forward while not blocking the crosswalks.
    3. No leapfrogging in line.
    4. Once your child is dropped off/picked up, pull out and the cars behind will pull forward to fill the gap.
    5. All traffic must turn right when exiting the front drive.

    -No drop off in the West Parking ot or in the lower bowl

    -Parents needing to assist their child out of the car must use the lower bowl parking lot to park and then walk their child up the stairs to the crosswalk.(Indicated by purple stars.)

    -Parents may also drop off along the fence on 2500 N. (Indicated by blue arrow.)

    *Preschool parents must wait until 9:00 to enter the student drop off lane.


    As teachers and staff here at Greenville, we recognize that parents would like the drop-off and pick-up procedure to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible.  As Parents, we ask that you please:

    • Respectfully follow these safety procedures as outlined above.
    • Have children enter and exit the car on the passenger side during pick-up and drop-off, to ensure their safety, as vehicles are continually pulling out around other vehicles.
    • Help and support Greenville Teachers and Staff in our efforts to keep your children safe.
    • Remind your children to  walk on sidewalks, and cross in designated areas only.
    • Remind your children of these safety procedures

    Thank you so much for your help and support as we strive to keep all of our students safe here at Greenville Elementary.  Just an interesting bit of trivia–from the time the dismissal bell rings at 3:35, until the carpool line is done, pick-up ONLY takes about 7-9 minutes (yes, we’ve timed it)!  Trying to save an extra minute or two is not worth the risk of a child being injured.