Dear Parent(s),
Hopefully everyone had a relaxing and safe Spring Break. Here are are a few updates for you:
- Mrs. Murray (Kindergarten Teacher) and Mrs. Weaver (Art Specialist) will not be with us next fall. We will miss them, and we wish them the best.
- We are currently looking for applicants to fill the position for Art Specialist. The position has been posted on the District web page. Applications are to be turned in to the District Office.
- We will only have two second grade classes next year.
- Ms. Edgar will be moving from 3rd grade to Kindergarten and Mrs. Coleman will be moving from 2nd grade to 3rd grade next fall.
- At the end of this month we will begin the process of placing students in classes for the next school year. We take this process very seriously and put a lot of effort into it. We strive to maintain classes that are balanced in size, scholastic aptitude, student achievement, personality, gender ratio, behavior, and social relationships. A sincere effort will be made to place your student(s) appropriately. There are occasions where parents have information they would like the teachers to consider when placing the students in classes. Please email me if this applies to you, and I will email you a form to fill out, or you may pick up a copy of the form at the office. This form is intended to advise Greenville Elementary of your student’s special needs regarding placement for the upcoming school year (2021-2022). Parent Input Forms must be received by Friday, April 23, 2021.
Thanks for your consistent support of our school and for trusting us with your students this year!
Troy Pugmire
Greenville Elementary SchoolLibrarian’s Minute:
The end of the year is fast approaching. After spring break, I will be sending home notices about overdue books. Hopefully, that will give you plenty of time to find them before the end of the year. There are no fines for late books but we don’t want anyone to have to pay for lost books. Don’t tear apart your house until we also check the library. Sometimes we find missing books on the shelf right where they’re supposed to be. If you think that a lost book might have been returned, send me an email and I can double-check the shelf.
This month in the library we are discussing media messages and all of their various forms. After all, we are called a Media Center. We typically think of media as television, radio, and print ads, but even walking down a grocery store aisle, we are bombarded by products vying for our attention. Simple things like logos, mascots, and slogans are sending us subtle messages. It is crucial for kids to learn how to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and smart digital citizens in today’s world. Students will work on projects that will help them gain an understanding of the elements, construction, and potential impact of media messages while learning to make informed choices.
Mrs. Chambers
brittany.chambers@ccsdut.orgCounselor’s Corner:
Media and Our Children
Our children’s connection to media is everywhere, coming from more sources and more screens than we probably remember when we were kids: TV, movies, video games, handheld games, computers, cell phones, I-pads, I-pods, watches, etc. There are many wonderful uses for media that provide conveniences and education for us and our families. There are also dangers in media use that as parents and educators, we are tasked to protect our children from. With all the amazing advances in technology, we cannot forget to make advances in how we protect our children from media that is not age appropriate.
It’s important to remember that children’s brains are not fully developed, specifically the part of the brain (prefrontal cortex) responsible for critical thinking, judgement, problem-solving, and impulse control. When a child or adolescent views media showing violence, sexual content, or harmful stereotypes, their own ideas, feelings, and behaviors are impacted. Without some guidance from a trusted grown-up, repeated exposure to these kinds of media may lead to an increase in aggression and a decrease in empathy.
Tips for setting media guidelines:
Treat media as you would any other environment in your child's life
The same parenting guidelines apply in both real and virtual environments. Set limits; kids need and expect them. Know your children's friends, both online and off. Know what platforms, software, and apps your children are using, where they are going on the web, and what they are doing online.
Set limits and encourage playtime
Tech use, like all other activities, should have reasonable limits. Unstructured and offline play stimulates creativity. Make unplugged playtime a daily priority, especially for very young children. And — don't forget to join your children in unplugged play whenever you're able.
Be a good role model
Teach and model kindness and good manners online. And, because children are great mimics, limit your own media use. In fact, you'll be more available for and connected with your children if you're interacting, hugging and playing with them rather than simply staring at a screen.
Create tech-free zones
Keep family mealtimes and other family and social gatherings tech-free. Recharge devices overnight — outside your child's bedroom to help children avoid the temptation to use them when they should be sleeping. These changes encourage more family time, healthier eating habits, and better sleep, all critical for children's wellness.
Don't use technology as an emotional pacifier
Media can be very effective in keeping kids calm and quiet, but it should not be the only way they learn to calm down. Children need to be taught how to identify and handle strong emotions, come up with activities to manage boredom, or calm down through breathing, talking about ways to solve the problem, and finding other strategies for channeling emotions