Science Fair

  • March  20-21, 2019

    Greenville's PTA/Staff invite YOU to enter this year's Science Fair!  After you sign up, we will email you more information about what you need to do.  Please return the sign up below to your teacher by Wednesday, March 5th.

    You can choose to do a family project or an individual project, but only individual projects from 3rd through 6th grades will be judged.  If you are doing an individual project, you must do all of the work yourself. Kindergarten through 2nd grade will receive participation awards.

    Students will be judged before lunch on Thursday, March 21st.  If you have questions or have not received information by March 5th, please email Suzanne Kirkham at


Student/Parent Note

  • We are so excited to have your child participate in Greenville's Science Fair this year! The Science Fair Project Guidelines and Schedule are listed below – take note of set up times, family time, and clean-up. If your child will need access to an electrical outlet, or other accommodations, please email one of us and let us know.

    Also, please find your correct written report page below and print it off (collection, experiment, or research project). Have your child fill it out and bring it when they set up their science fair project.

Scrience Fair Project Guidelines

  • The following guidelines are for individual and family projects.

    1. Prepare a poster with a title for your project. The poster should be able to stand up by itself. (You can cut a tri-fold poster board in half horizontally if you want to have two smaller boards.) Have it include your name and grade.  **Judging score includes the poster!  Make your poster nice and neat. Include all the necessary information, as the poster is part of the judging score.

    If you are doing a......
    Collection – neatly organize and categorize your collection for display. Your poster should discuss the information that you learned from researching your collection.
    Experiment – your poster should state the problem, hypothesis, or principle of your project. Include procedures and results.
    Research Project – your poster should tell about your findings on a scientific topic.

    2. Bring your poster, your project and the written report (included below) to the Science Fair when you set up. Make sure you complete each question about the project. Family projects will set up in one area of the gym, and individual projects will set up in a different area.

    3. Prepare well so your project is safe and not messy. If your project is a hands on for others, have enough supplies.

    4. Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Graders with individual projects - be prepared to have a good interview with three judges. Have knowledge about, and show sincere interest in your project. Practice eye contact and self-confidence when telling others about your project. Make your poster nice and neat. Include all the necessary information, as the poster is part of the judging score.

    5. You will be judged on Thursday, March 21st between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm. We will
    come and get you from your class.

    6. Have fun!!!

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Science Fair Schedule 2019

  • Wednesday, March 20

    3:30 pm to 5:00 pm - Science Fair set up. Students and parents may set up their projects in the Greenville gym. As you enter the gym, please sign in to register your project. There will be no judging at this time.

    Thursday, March 21

    8:00 am to 9:00 am – More Science Fair set up. Students may set up their projects in the Greenville gym. As you enter the gym, please sign in to register your project. There will be no judging at this time.

    9:15 am to 10:00 am – Classes may come and look at the Science Fair exhibits.  Participating students are encouraged to show their exhibits to their classes.

    10:00 am – 12:00 pm - Judges will talk to students and judge exhibits. Participating students will not need to stay for the full time, just long enough to be judged three times.

    1:00 pm to 3:00 pm – Classes may come and look at the Science Fair exhibits.  Participating students are encouraged to show their exhibits to their classes.

    5:30 pm to 7:30 pmFamily Time! – Families are encouraged to come and support their budding scientist! STEM Fest will also be at this time with displays and hands-on activities throughout the school.Please come and walk around the exhibits with your student.

    7:00 to 7:30 pm – Clean up. Please take your exhibit home with you. Thank you for participating!