The School District of La Crosse K-12 Library program promotes the library as a virtual and physical place to read, learn, and expand personal and educational horizons. The mission of the Library program is to ensure students and staff have access to high quality print and digital materials for class and personal use in order to become effective users and creators of ideas and information, and responsible savvy digital citizens. The Library program provides educational technology support for the design and creation of projects; reading promotions for personal and information use; recommendations for online research resources; Makerspace opportunities; and the instructional steps toward eventual independent learning. Students may come to the library individually, in small groups, or with an entire class to use the space and available physical and digital resources.
Children interested in participating in HPL opportunities can visit our district’s HPL For All website to find resources and opportunities.
Our Virtual Library is a place to read, learn, and expand horizons. The mission of the library program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.