Welcome to the Southern Bluffs attendance form. Please fill out the information below to let us know if your child will be late or absent. Please include the reason and/or symptoms. Thanks!
Welcome to the Southern Bluffs attendance form. Please fill out the information below to let us know if your child will be late or absent. Please include the reason and/or symptoms. Thanks!
You may excuse your student up to 10 (total) school days per year for any of the following reasons: vacations, preplanned absences, and illnesses (unless a doctor note is provided, OR if the school sends your student home ill).
When your student is going to be absent or late, please inform the office: call us @ 608-789-7020, email us southernbluffs@lacrossesd.org, or click on the ’email attendance office’ button on our website.
Doctor/dentist/counseling appointments are not counted against attendance as long as a doctor’s note is provided to the school office.