TRACK AND FIELD – Boys/Girls – 6th, 7th, 8th – SPRING
Longfellow Track Agreement Form
*ALL students participating in Track must have completed the
required online registration (See link on right side of this webpage) and also have an
up to date physical on file BEFORE they are allowed to practice.
*Please call the Longfellow office at 608.789.3503 if you have any questions regarding your child’s registration or physical.
After School
*More Information to Come
TRACK AND FIELD is open to all students in ALL students in Longfellow – 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Track.
Meet times are posted on the Longfellow Activity calendar. Click on the link below to see the calendar.
Head coach-Boys: Jon Morschhauser, 608-789-3541,
Assistant coach: TBD
Assistant coach: TBD
Head coach-Girls: Ryan Mandel, 608-789-3564,
Assistant coach: Lila Planavsky
Assistant coach: TBD
Reminder: All students participating in athletics must complete an online registration. Click on the link below to be directed to the website for registration. If your student already participated in a sport this year and has already completed the online registration and submitted a physical, you do NOT need to register again. Your student can just attend the first practice meeting to sign up with the coaches.
If you need a physical clearance form to take to the doctor, please click the link below.
Go to VIEW SCHEDULES and SCROLL down for TRACK AND FIELD and then view the schedule. You may print the calendar. Click “Subscribe Now” in the upper right corner to be notified if this schedule is changed.