

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Karla Gulledge

Hi! My name is Karla Gulledge.  I have been teaching for thirty years .  All of my teaching experience has been at Rehobeth Elementary.  I received my Bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education from Troy State University.  I enjoy teaching at Rehobeth because we have such a great group of teachers and students.  I have taught Kindergarten thirty years and I love what I do. I believe that you have to love and care about the students you  teach in order to reach them. You must reach before you can teach them.  I  believe that each child can learn and learning needs to be exciting.  In my classroom, your child will  be engaged in various activities that will help create an excitement for learning.  We will work very hard in our classroom so that every child can reach their greatest potential.  

I live in the Rehobeth Community with my family.  I am married and have three children.  My husband , Don, is retired from the military and currently has a sports academy where he teaches hitting for baseball and softball.  My oldest son, Drew is twenty-seven and is now married to our new daughter in love, Jill. My daughter, Dayla is twenty- three. she is a recient graduate of South Alabama and is now teaching Physical Education in Enterprise City schools and also helps to couch the softball team .  My youngest son, Dylan, graduate of Rehobeth High School and is finishing up his last year at Wallace college, where hs has played baseball for two years.  My family and I attend First Assembly of God Church in Dothan.  In my free time I enjoy working in my flower beds, attending church, and spending time with my family and friends. 

I love teaching and helping the children of the future learn. It is a privilege and honor to teach and work at such a great school. I invite you to visit our classroom during the year to see what your child is doing and learning. I look forward to a wonderful year of learning with your child